
7 Best Connecticut Credit Repair Companies in 2024
Innovative Fundraising for Nonprofits: Who’s Behind the Ideas? An e-mail was sent to me recently… “I have read that when setting a donation goal for each major donor prospect you should project 10x their largest single gift. Is this a good rule of thumb?” This is yet another of the several similar hard-to-believe instances over …
Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving your financial goals in today’s financial landscape. Delaware Credit Repair is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals looking to enhance their credit scores and regain financial stability. Delaware credit score analysis and Delaware credit report monitoring are essential components of our services, ensuring that every …
Credit repair in North Carolina is crucial for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. With the increasing importance of good credit for securing loans, renting apartments, and obtaining jobs, many residents seek professional help to navigate the complexities of credit repair.  In North Carolina, many credit repair companies like Credit Saint …

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To be a successful fundraiser, you must know not only how your organization raises money, but also how it is spent. You must know and understand your organization’s budget so that you can explain to others the costs of operation and how the money to cover those costs is to be generated. Nearly all non-profits …
And that’s a good thing !! Special events have evolved. Gone (for the most part) are the rubber chicken dinners — with a dais or a two-or-three-tier head table on stage, featuring the board or the event committee and lead sponsors sitting and eating dinner while the rest of the guests stare up at them. …
The question was asked, “Can anyone tell me what characteristics make a publication a good development tool? What can I do to begin to pull together the various publications so that they help garner parent, student and donor support and further the continued growth of the school?” First must come the understanding of what development …
Strong proposals depend on good data, and using good graphics in your grant proposals is an effective way to get your data to stand out and be remembered by reviewers. Make your Data Stand Out According to Mike Parkinson and Colleen Jolly (referenced in my last posting), there are five steps you should take to …
Every nonprofit must have its own set of policies that cover all areas of service and operation; and, those policies must be written based on the circumstances and needs of that organization. First, you need to have policies in place to “regulate” what your organization will do with all gifts – cash, stock, in-kind, bequests, …
I’d like to share with you why, from my perspective, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the most donor friendly means for a Federal public servant to contribute to the charities they care about. Most of us play multiple roles, and this applies to our charitable donation world as well. In a CFC campaign, each …
The other day I came across yet another instance of a non-profit’s leadership huffing and puffing about a potential funder’s request for the names of their top ten individual donors to support the organization’s contribution request proposal. “Our policy,” the non-profit said, “is that we do not share such information.” It seems to me that …