
7 Best Connecticut Credit Repair Companies in 2024
When hikers get together, many of them talk about their boots. When chefs gather, they swap recipes. What do grant proposal professionals do? Many of us talk about the proposal-generating work environments at our nonprofits. What Good Companies Have in Common: Grant proposal professionals can learn how to create good work environments by looking at …
Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving your financial goals in today’s financial landscape. Delaware Credit Repair is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals looking to enhance their credit scores and regain financial stability. Delaware credit score analysis and Delaware credit report monitoring are essential components of our services, ensuring that every …
Credit repair in North Carolina is crucial for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. With the increasing importance of good credit for securing loans, renting apartments, and obtaining jobs, many residents seek professional help to navigate the complexities of credit repair.  In North Carolina, many credit repair companies like Credit Saint …

More in Finance

This posting by: Bill Huddleston Massive CFC Changes Proposed …Riveting Reading in the Federal Register I realize I’m mixing metaphors in the headline, but the intent is to get your attention about something that is very important to any nonprofit that is enrolled in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), or is considering applying in the …
This posting by: Hank Lewis I received the following email: I am involved in local education foundations which is a 501(c)(3). We do some really neat things that help to educate kids in our community, and we have a few big fundraisers each year. On our website and in the marketing info for the events, …
This posting is by Tony Martignetti. Last month I gave you five reasons why you should have a Planned Giving program. Your organization doesn’t need much to get started, but you do need a few things in place. Here’s what I look for to decide whether Planned Giving is feasible for fundraising ideas for nonprofits. …
A Wise Choice: The Foundation for Fundraising A Posting by Gail Meltzer, CFRE From time to time, we are asked about the advisability of creating a separate private foundation to raise funds for an existing nonprofit. I’d like to offer an example of when such a foundation was a good idea and has provided great …
This posting by: Jayme Sokolow Being a Success According to Dr. Heidi Grant Stevenson, a blogger for Psychology Today and the author of an intriguing new book, Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals (2011), even very bright people are often clueless when it comes to understanding why they succeed or fail. Recent research on …
This posting by: Hank Lewis An issue was raised on a listserve: “I have become more and more concerned about the exploitation of client stories in fundraising tools.” “How do you counsel clients about the ethics/morality of using client stories as appeals?” ========================= Whenever a question is posed about ethics/morality that includes the words “using” …
This posting is by Lynn deLearie. I initially want to refer all readers to an excellent post about Needs Statements written previously on this blog by Andrew Grant (see the link at the bottom of this post). In that piece, “Impress Funders With Your Grant Proposal (Writing a “WOW” Needs Statement),” Andrew said that, “the …