
7 Best Connecticut Credit Repair Companies in 2024
In a previous post, I introduced “A Four-Step Process for Effective Grantsmanship,” including: (1) prospecting for foundation funding, (2) cultivation, (3) grant proposal development, and (4) grant management and stewardship. (See Chapter Five in my ebook: Grants & Grantsmanship) So far, I’ve provided a lot of information on steps one through three, as well as …
Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving your financial goals in today’s financial landscape. Delaware Credit Repair is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals looking to enhance their credit scores and regain financial stability. Delaware credit score analysis and Delaware credit report monitoring are essential components of our services, ensuring that every …
Credit repair in North Carolina is crucial for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. With the increasing importance of good credit for securing loans, renting apartments, and obtaining jobs, many residents seek professional help to navigate the complexities of credit repair.  In North Carolina, many credit repair companies like Credit Saint …

More in Finance

This posting by: Hank Lewis I Recently saw the heading on a listserve posting relating to naming an annual award after a donor. It started me thinking about the ways that a donor could be recognized for their support. (BTW, I didn’t read that posting, just to be sure that whatever I wrote wouldn’t be …
This posting by: Tony Martignetti. Last month I gave you two things you need in place to make Planned Giving feasible. Now we’re ready to start promoting your inaugural Planned Giving program. Who are the prospects? Your best prospects are:  55 and over  loyal, consistent donors, irrespective of dollar amount  board members, …
This posting by: Tony Poderis When hiring a professional development officer, the emphasis should be placed on the personality characteristics which are important for the appointed person to be able to effectively carry out the position requirements. Specifically, you hire someone who can accurately and effectively communicate the mission of the organization, and who understands …
This posting by: Jayme Sokolow Ready to be a Warrior? At the 2012 APMP (Association of Proposal Management Professionals) national conference, participants were treated to a lively address … about proposal professionals as warriors, by Eric Gregory, Vice President for Business Development at CACI, Inc. I do not agree with his metaphor or with everything …
This posting by: Hank Lewis In a recent exchange of email…. “What’s the standard thought on nonprofit annual employee appeals (a.k.a. asking your employees to donate back to the organization)? Is this standard practice? Is it a good/bad idea?” Like almost everything else in fundraising, there is no “standard” thought about annual employee appeals. There …
This posting by: Lynn deLearie. Since Andrew Grant wrote in his post, Impress Funders with Your Grant Proposal: Target Your Outcomes, “funders have become consumed with the notion of outcomes assessment.” (The link to Andrew’s piece is at the bottom of this post.) I agree, and have found the evaluation section of proposals to be …
This posting by: Tony Poderis We know that a Planning Study (see: What is a Planning Study) is a tool a non-profit uses to determine whether it should go ahead with a Major (capital or endowment) Fundraising Effort. Such a Study is essential for an organization in order to assess the likelihood of success before …