
7 Best Connecticut Credit Repair Companies in 2024
It’s Not About Me; It’s About You, Really !! Relationships are at the heart of all fundraising activities, and grants are no exception. Just like dating, the nonprofit grantee needs to find a compatible match in a prospective grantor. But, unlike a good date, the grantee/grantor relationship is very one-sided. It REALLY is all about …
Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving your financial goals in today’s financial landscape. Delaware Credit Repair is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals looking to enhance their credit scores and regain financial stability. Delaware credit score analysis and Delaware credit report monitoring are essential components of our services, ensuring that every …
Credit repair in North Carolina is crucial for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. With the increasing importance of good credit for securing loans, renting apartments, and obtaining jobs, many residents seek professional help to navigate the complexities of credit repair.  In North Carolina, many credit repair companies like Credit Saint …

More in Finance

A Note From a Reader: “I will begin my new position as an ED in a non-profit next month and I would like to meet our sponsors and donors. We do not begin our campaign drive for another few months. What is the best approach to introduce myself to donors? Would it be appropriate to …
The web may be the most powerful broadcast tool of all time, but too many nonprofit organizations miss the even more important power of the web – a way to listen to their donors! Why is listening so important? • People like to be listened to…. So few people   really listen these days – most …
Endowment Campaigns are often thought of as another type of Capital Campaign, but there are two major (and some minor) differences between these types of fundraising efforts. •   A capital campaign primarily raises funding for tangibles – bricks-and-mortar and equipment, and sometimes programs. An endowment is a “savings account” from which an organization typically uses only …
Whoever said an event had to be a dinner or a luncheon to work? The key to making any event succeed is to learn, well in advance, what will bring out your audience: existing donors, new donors, corporations, government officials, community leaders, etc. Almost every event can benefit from an occasional change of pace … …
You can’t/shouldn’t assume that donors are OK with having their names (and the amounts or ranges of their gifts) made known to anyone outside the NPO they are supporting. Donors have a right to assume that such information is confidential. The Codes of Ethics of the various organizations of professional fundraising staff and/or counsel unequivocally …
People may not judge books by their covers, but they certainly judge your email before they open it. If your email message has an uninspiring subject line, it will never get opened. Go into your “deleted items” folder in your email program, and scan the emails that you never opened. Odds are, none of those …
As noted earlier, the first official announcement of the campaign is about the person who has volunteered to Chair the Campaign and who has made a significant (pace-setting) commitment. That is one way in which the Chair is recognized. The Chair, who is often (one of) the largest donor(s) to the campaign, is recognized initially …