
7 Best Connecticut Credit Repair Companies in 2024
Grant Reports Aren’t Always Required, But They’re (Almost) Always A Good Idea !! Not sure about you, but the dog eating my homework excuse never worked for me. And not turning in a grant report to a funder who requires one is not going to work either. At best, you’ll be given an extension for …
Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving your financial goals in today’s financial landscape. Delaware Credit Repair is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals looking to enhance their credit scores and regain financial stability. Delaware credit score analysis and Delaware credit report monitoring are essential components of our services, ensuring that every …
Credit repair in North Carolina is crucial for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. With the increasing importance of good credit for securing loans, renting apartments, and obtaining jobs, many residents seek professional help to navigate the complexities of credit repair.  In North Carolina, many credit repair companies like Credit Saint …

More in Finance

… in the Combined Federal Campaign… is to run a stealth CFC campaign. If a nonprofit has done all the work to become admitted to the CFC, and then they keep it a secret, it shouldn’t be a “surprise” when the results are not as good as they hoped. With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, You …
An email asked if I know of any resources for designing an “Ask Package” The writer explained: “I’ve found lots of general rules such as ‘include your mission statement’ and ‘specifically outline what their donation will cover’ but I can’t find any templates for designing one. Are there any websites you could recommend? “We’re a …
If you’ve started down the yellow brick road to nonprofit foundations funding, then get set to meet some different characters (foundations) along the way – specifically: Private, Corporate, Family, and Community Foundations. Much of the information below comes from the wizards at the MIT Office of Foundation Relations; I’ve added the bulleted items in italics. …
Not long ago, we received an email with a “programs-vs-finance” question…. “Finance is telling me that once a grant is approved it should be listed in the GL immediately because it becomes a liability not to do so. “We have always waited for the grant award letter to be returned before actually marking the grant …
Good government grant proposals tell a compelling story. To tell a compelling story you must have strong Win-Themes because they help reviewers understand why you can provide the best solution to the problem identified in the grant guidelines. When you start your proposal, first create your Win-Themes. Developing compelling win-themes for government grants proposal is …
An email raised the question as to whether “Major Gifts” should be counted in the total for the “Annual Fund.” I can’t help it. I have to say it, “I really hate the term, ‘Annual Fund.’” (See: The Annual Fund Is Obsolete.) OK, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest…. By a literal definition, …
Hints On How To Make Giving To You A Lot Easier a: Always have a prominent “Where the need is greatest” choice – many people will trust you to allocate their gift as you need to, and unrestricted gifts are the primary goal of every client we’ve ever had. b: Give people the chance to …