
7 Best Connecticut Credit Repair Companies in 2024
Unlike all of the other planned giving mechanisms, a bequest program doesn’t require major technical expertise and specific financial instruments. It’s easy, it’s fast, it can pay off substantially, and the dollars from bequests comprise close to 90% of all planned gifts. Many non-profit organizations refuse to get into planned giving because of the perception …
Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving your financial goals in today’s financial landscape. Delaware Credit Repair is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals looking to enhance their credit scores and regain financial stability. Delaware credit score analysis and Delaware credit report monitoring are essential components of our services, ensuring that every …
Credit repair in North Carolina is crucial for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. With the increasing importance of good credit for securing loans, renting apartments, and obtaining jobs, many residents seek professional help to navigate the complexities of credit repair.  In North Carolina, many credit repair companies like Credit Saint …

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In my last post, I shared a few thoughts with fundraising managers about supervising “digital natives.” Today, I have some tech-related advice for my fellow Millennials. 1. Stay open to the possibility that the internet may not be the solution every time. Sometimes, for example, emailing your prospect just won’t get it done. You may …
On June 18 & 25, Lynne deLearie wrote about “Reason and Emotion in Grant Proposals.” Coincidentally, I’ve recently been involved in some discussions in which some folks were leaning much too far in one direction or the other. Those conversations were prompted by what one participant reported as an interesting article in The Chronicle of …
In my previous two posts, I’ve suggested that checklists can be very valuable in helping your non-profit achieve success with its enrollment in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). One reason that a checklist is valuable is that it helps you create consistent results over time. Notice that I said, “helps.” I didn’t say that a …
Last week I ended with the thought that a good reason to work with a consultant is to help you avoid disaster. Considering that, here are a few more reasons you might want to talk with a development/fundraising consultant. When you want/need to dramatically increase your fundraising goals. Too many nonprofits, wanting to expand their …
The need to engage a Development/Fundraising consultant depends not only on whether or not your organization already has the specific expertise it needs; but, also, if an outside perspective is needed to help you identify your strengths and/or weaknesses, or if an outsider is needed to help you break up your internal logjam … and …
1. Your Bequest Program: It’s Easy Getting Started by John Elbare, CFP The simple bequest, which is a charitable gift in a donor’s will (or living trust), still accounts for most planned gifts. Bequest marketing should be a part of every fund raising program. Simple marketing messages can reap huge future revenues for your organization. …
In January 2009, a US Airways jet taking off from LaGuardia airport jet hit a flock of geese 3 minutes after takeoff and immediately lost power in all engines. With two minutes of altitude left, Captain Sully and his crew reached for their checklists dealing with loss of engine power and emergency landings; and, in …