
7 Best Connecticut Credit Repair Companies in 2024
A few years ago I asked: “Does your nonprofit have a Director of Development who Isn’t?” Since then, I’ve encountered organizations with “Philanthropy Coordinators,” “Fund Directors,” “Donor Managers,” and people with equally unimpressive titles – people who didn’t know the definition of “Development.” So many nonprofits are hiring people for all-or-part of their fundraising/development operations …
Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving your financial goals in today’s financial landscape. Delaware Credit Repair is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals looking to enhance their credit scores and regain financial stability. Delaware credit score analysis and Delaware credit report monitoring are essential components of our services, ensuring that every …
Credit repair in North Carolina is crucial for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. With the increasing importance of good credit for securing loans, renting apartments, and obtaining jobs, many residents seek professional help to navigate the complexities of credit repair.  In North Carolina, many credit repair companies like Credit Saint …

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As previously noted, if your phone program is primarily a fundraising solicitation tool, then the goal must be to raise as much money as possible. That happens when all of the elements in a phone program support/enhance each other. We’ve talked about caller recruitment, training, scripting and pre-call mail or email. We’ve also talked about …
Our apologies. Circumstances precluded our posting last week … first non-holiday week we’ve missed in five years. We continue, now, with our series on Telephone Solicitation. And, by the way, our use of that term excludes telemarketing, robocalling or whatever you call those intrusive, unwelcome calls that always seem to come at inopportune times. Telephone …
The key ingredient of an in-house telephone solicitation program is the person making the phone call. [And, btw, with all the (misplaced) emphasis on the use of social media to raise money, keep in mind that the telephone is a “social medium.”] Last week I noted that pre-call mail (snail mail or email) discusses the …
As noted last week, to optimize a caller’s effectiveness, prospects should be prepared for the call. They must know it’s coming, that they will be asked for a specific dollar figure, and what that figure will be. They must understand the need for their support, and they should (hopefully) be made to look forward to …
This posting, and the follow-ups, are all about two concepts that push my buttons. The first, “Annual Giving”, makes me grit my teeth; the second, telephone solicitation, makes me twitch in frustration…. The term “Annual Giving,” and the resulting mind-set, have become accepted as part of the environment of (mostly) educational institutions, without awareness of …
The Campaign (Annual, Endowment Or Capital) Is Over And The Goal Has Been Achieved — Life Is Good! Issue a press release and a final newsletter thanking campaign leadership, volunteers and the donors. Single out people who should be commended, and praise the campaign chair. Then, be sure to convene a meeting of the campaign …
The following is a recently received email. My comments/responses are the indented paragraphs. We’re a relatively young 501c3, at about 5 years old, but have relied mostly on dues from members up to this point. Last year we participated in our state’s annual nonprofit day of giving. It is my observation that memberships/dues are not …