Human Resources

Employee Incentive Ideas: Boost Motivation & Retention
We spend a lot of time in business and in HR building systems and processes to accomplish goals. Whether or not we have well defined goals, we do typically have systems or processes in place in an effort to make the business work. Sometimes the systems are well defined and sometimes they are not. Regardless, these systems are often to blame when things aren’t going well, along with everything else from the employees not listening to poor management.
Self-awareness of your work style is crucial for achieving career success. Knowing how you approach tasks, solve problems, and collaborate with others can help you thrive in different work environments. This understanding improves job performance, enhances team dynamics, and helps you align with company culture. In interviews, articulating your work style gives you an edge …
Assessing your career goals and interests is essential to beginning your job search. Reflect on what you want from your next role, such as the position, industry, company size, or the importance of work-life balance. Identify your core skills, strengths, and areas for improvement. Consider how these factors align with your long-term career aspirations.  Consider …

More in Human Resources

It is assumed that once we have delivered the information to our students and trainees that they are ready to put them to use. Are students and trainees learning what we want them to and applying that learning when they should? The answer is a resounding, “No!” I was astounded a few years ago when …
We all seem to have answers for success, but they aren’t the same. Are there stereotypes of success? It’s not just about training stereotypes for success: that is people who look and act like us and have the same education and training. It’s a start, but there’s more. As trainers, it is important for us …
It’s no joking matter. Moderation and facilitation at a conference or meeting are serious business, and remain among the best methods to gather and discuss information in a meaningful way. It is a way of organizing specific information productively as well. Facilitating and moderating are part of the trainer’s most important tools. At first glance, …
Taking advantage of technology, a teacher in Potomac, Maryland conducts her Advanced Placement Calculus class a little differently. In fact, she has turned the traditional method on its head by having her students view her lectures via podcast and bring their homework to school. This has phenomenal applications for experiential training. According to Gregg Toppo …
GROUP DEVELOPMENT Below is an idea for a team building activity focusing on the what happens when new members join a team. Learning Objectives 1. To experience the process and feelings that arise when a new member joins an ongoing group with defined tasks and roles; 2. To explore the coping mechanisms adopted by the …
It’s not rocket science, but I am talking about training to reach the stars. Forgive the pun and the cliche, but they seem most appropriate here. Can we do it? Of course, we can. I learned all I know from the Cave Man who must have said, “I need to fix this. I have no …
It is relatively easy to test information learned in a classroom or from a book. But can you accurately assess if that knowledge can and will be applied in a practical sense? While information can be remembered in the short term, its not nearly so simple to determine its application to the real world and …