Human Resources

Employee Incentive Ideas: Boost Motivation & Retention
Remember seeing those ads while in college, “Teach English in a foreign country?” They sounded so tempting. However, they became less tempting as time went on. But you did notice that it seemed the neat thing to do at the time. And it was. When you’re 25. No amount of preparation is going to help …
Self-awareness of your work style is crucial for achieving career success. Knowing how you approach tasks, solve problems, and collaborate with others can help you thrive in different work environments. This understanding improves job performance, enhances team dynamics, and helps you align with company culture. In interviews, articulating your work style gives you an edge …
Assessing your career goals and interests is essential to beginning your job search. Reflect on what you want from your next role, such as the position, industry, company size, or the importance of work-life balance. Identify your core skills, strengths, and areas for improvement. Consider how these factors align with your long-term career aspirations.  Consider …

More in Human Resources

Work may be black and white in nature, but it’s not life. I’ve been working a long time for other people so I have a lot of experience as an employee. In time, I became a trainer and a supervisor–and now a communicator and coach. It’s different in the military in some ways, but that’s …
When trainers are finding ways of improving performance and leadership, there’s one topic we should cover but often don’t. How do we evaluate performance? It seems an obvious fit for us, but it’s a tough and touchy topic to train about. Although people are involved, the human resource methods seem set in stone. Usually where …
Can we train every employee to be CEO one day? Of course, it would be a rare employee that ends in that lofty position, but shouldn’t it be possible? The idea isn’t to convince workers that is their career path, but to let them feel a part of the entire operation in a way that …
Life, choices, opportunity, and success. It all affects our work life to be. The choices we are able to make in terms of training and education, as well as our personal and professional development make us who we are. Some of us are workers, trainees, students, teachers, trainees, managers, and leaders, but how did we …
Are Hybrid Programs (Online/Classroom) the Solution? Most educators and trainers alike see the advantages of face-to-face education and training over online programs. The value of face-to-face education or training may be a given, but good things are coming, believe it or not, from hybrid or condensed programs. It seems logical for several reasons. I may …
The topics of Training and Development, and Communication are so intricately entwined that I can’t help myself talking about it. I argue that the basic communication process is not simple, but in concept it is really–and those who get the Primer embedded have the easiest time adding the complicated parts. Never say, “in other words.” …
“We talk about innovation constantly, but step outside the chain of command and you get your hand slapped with the reminder that ‘You can’t understand the politics involved.’ The key to innovation is really believing that everyone has a worthwhile perspective — not saying it, but meaning it.” The quote above from a member of …