Human Resources

Employee Incentive Ideas: Boost Motivation & Retention
Michelle Rosenbloom with the 3Leaf Group is a marketing professional. Now, what she is marketing is the Netflix(TM) of training. The wave of the future. She has been involved in creating a “lean, mean, learning machine.” But there is more to it than marketing when it comes to a savvy training professional or manager who …
Self-awareness of your work style is crucial for achieving career success. Knowing how you approach tasks, solve problems, and collaborate with others can help you thrive in different work environments. This understanding improves job performance, enhances team dynamics, and helps you align with company culture. In interviews, articulating your work style gives you an edge …
Assessing your career goals and interests is essential to beginning your job search. Reflect on what you want from your next role, such as the position, industry, company size, or the importance of work-life balance. Identify your core skills, strengths, and areas for improvement. Consider how these factors align with your long-term career aspirations.  Consider …

More in Human Resources

It’s easy to think of the trainer as the leader–at least in the moment, but he or she is a leader in other ways, too–keyed to the human factor that makes the company work and its people resource rewarded and fulfilled. The trainer/leader listens to his audience and works with them. He or she teaches …
Rather than be a fountain of information on the “how-to,” I give various perspectives, especially my own, on the obvious. Now, that perspective may be from the point of view of the potential trainee or employee, training manager, developer, designer or presenter–or the manager who is looking at training. As to how exactly you assess …
What was I doing trolling the Recruit Military Opportunity Expo? It never hurts to see what is out there and to network. For me, I had a different plan, but the networking is always a good idea. I’m always open to new opportunities. You never know when a gem of an opportunity comes your way. …
Can you actually guarantee training results? Can you? The simple answer is “Yes, you can.” Of course, if you aren’t very good, it’ll be a financial disaster–not to mention the people who lost the benefit of good training. Or, maybe you aren’t so bad, but the client is ruthless and found the loophole to not …
Are interested in working in Netflix? Do you think that talent is your number one priority in HR? Then you shouldn't apply at Netflix. In a current job posting on their website, Netflix clearly spells out what they are and are not looking for in a Director-HR. The message is short and doesn't mention anything about company benefits or essential functions. But, it is effective. It is to the point and my guess is that it will weed out a number of candidates that don't fit.
It seems traditional classroom training as we know it may be dying, but there are ways to bring it back to life. “Recent remarks* by Tony Bingham, CEO of ASTD, suggested that much of the formal classroom with instructor-led training has gone the way of scheduled classes, blackboards and overhead projectors. Replaced by the ‘pull’ …
I believed I was part of a group of people who had each other’s best interests as a core of operation. This group could best be classified as a Self-Managed Team where there was no distinct team leader, for example a string quartet. The group generally worked well together over a period of time, but …