Human Resources

Employee Incentive Ideas: Boost Motivation & Retention
Nonprofit-Specific Human Resource Management Written by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD of Authenticity Consulting, LLC Introduction There’s a common misperception that human resource management in nonprofits is very different from human resource management in for-profits. Actually, the activities are very similar in both types of organizations, except that nonprofits often include human resources (staff members) who …
Self-awareness of your work style is crucial for achieving career success. Knowing how you approach tasks, solve problems, and collaborate with others can help you thrive in different work environments. This understanding improves job performance, enhances team dynamics, and helps you align with company culture. In interviews, articulating your work style gives you an edge …
Assessing your career goals and interests is essential to beginning your job search. Reflect on what you want from your next role, such as the position, industry, company size, or the importance of work-life balance. Identify your core skills, strengths, and areas for improvement. Consider how these factors align with your long-term career aspirations.  Consider …

More in Human Resources

he 2013 talent management predictions indicate that we have a storm ahead. Finding and keeping the right talent is going to continue to prove a challenge for organizations. It is further predicted that the old antiquated systems of talent management do not work. If you are working in an organization with talent in almost in any role, you are mostly like already aware that these systems do not work. And with the increase in talent management software solutions flooding the market, it is also likely that you have lived through a revision in your talent management practices in recent years.
We talk about being the fly on the wall or the mouse in the wall that can hear every thing going on everywhere. This is more than water cooler buzz. Employees want to know what their bosses really think of them and bosses want to know what employees think about them, about the company, etc. …
I saw an interesting article, the Best Kept Secrets of Successful Business People, but found many of its ideas fit anyone who seeks training success. And there is a purely selfish reason they are kept secret. However, the question for trainers is: Can you train someone to be successful? I have to answer: Not really. …
Jackie Apodaca, an assistant professor at Southern Oregon University, writes in BACKSTAGE, “The Role of the Actor in Society Should Not Be Underestimated.” Theatre is a fine art and that is how she talks about it. I want to show how theatre (acting in particular) embodies some similar characteristics and applies as a practical art–and …
I never thought I’d admit to this, but I have discovered this, believe it or not, in the college English writing class that I teach. It is almost as if the students don’t have a real sense of the past. They cling to the here and now that technology is what makes life civilized and …
I can remember when “subliminal” was the buzz word going around town. Anyone sitting in a theatre or watching television was going to go do outrageous things because of the subliminal messages hidden on the screen of either medium. It could be a useful tool in training come to think about it. So does mind-reading, …
Let’s say you have the training certificates and education as well as the experience just to get in the door. It’s frustrating seeing others without your work experience, walk in and take the same job you may have the experience and extra specific training for. So, why didn’t you get the job? We can’t really …