Starting a Business

How to Close an LLC: Limited Liability Company Dissolution
Herman has been invited to join the board of a not-for-profit organisation that provides specialist education and training for the non-profit sector. The invitation was extended to him by the CEO who is also the founder and the principal deliverer of services. Due diligence shows that the company is profitable (making a small but comfortable …
Starting an LLC in Wyoming might seem overwhelming financially, but let’s walk through the process and break down the costs to show that it can be surprisingly affordable. Despite what you might think, setting up a business entity in Wyoming doesn’t have to drain your wallet. It’s actually a smart, budget-friendly step for budding entrepreneurs. …
Hey there! Excited about setting up a Limited Liability Company in Illinois? You’ve landed in just the right spot. Before diving in, though, it’s crucial to understand the financial aspects. From the get-go, you’ll encounter fees for filing, plus ongoing costs to keep your LLC in tip-top shape. This guide will clarify the expenses involved …

More in Starting a Business

Business owners often find it a challenge to lift their heads and view the long term. The day-to-day can be all-consuming. Regular quarterly board meetings can encourage a long term view. In addition, it is extremely powerful to entertain different perspectives. This results in a stronger strategy for growth. Quarterly board meetings provide an opportunity …
All companies in an industry can use the same technologies, build the same buildings — so really the differentiating factor in business is the people in a company. Hiring, training and motivating employees is key to making your company distinctively superior. 1. Hiring. Be patient and hire the employees that are the best fit for …
My previous blog identified the five competitive forces developed by Harvard professor Michael Porter, which should be addressed in every business plan. This blog profiles each of these forces.
Push or Pull? The old question. What are you doing? Think about pushing. We have all had a pushy sales rep. We don’t want the product, at least yet. We don’t want to talk to them. They are all sell, sell, sell. Hard sell too. Just get off my case!! Turn your mind to pulling. …
At some point in a scandal companies can longer gloss over the trouble with settlements and promises of reform. Curious as to whether News Corp has crossed that line. From today’s New York Times: As Mark Lewis, the lawyer for the family of the murdered girl, Milly Dowler, said after Ms. Brooks resigned, “This is …
Some considerations to assist in developing an effective board composition.
One huge secret behind sales growth is offering a product or service that speaks to the customers – that fulfils an important customer need. Selling may not be the issue. Rather, as a business coach, I often need to point out that the sales issue may be the value proposition for customers. According to an …