Starting a Business

How to Close an LLC: Limited Liability Company Dissolution
Biographers of Napoleon Bonaparte talk about his ability to size up a situation with a single coup d’oeil,(pronounced koo-DOY), meaning “a stroke of the eye” or “glance.” Napoleon was so knowledgeable about his strategic situation—the landscape, the enemy, available technology, similar situations from the past—that he could understand and respond quickly to ever- changing circumstances. …
Starting an LLC in Wyoming might seem overwhelming financially, but let’s walk through the process and break down the costs to show that it can be surprisingly affordable. Despite what you might think, setting up a business entity in Wyoming doesn’t have to drain your wallet. It’s actually a smart, budget-friendly step for budding entrepreneurs. …
Hey there! Excited about setting up a Limited Liability Company in Illinois? You’ve landed in just the right spot. Before diving in, though, it’s crucial to understand the financial aspects. From the get-go, you’ll encounter fees for filing, plus ongoing costs to keep your LLC in tip-top shape. This guide will clarify the expenses involved …

More in Starting a Business

First the good news: Starting Sept 30, US federal law allows small startup companies to raise equity on the Internet, without the expensive barrier to register the shares for public trading with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Companies can now raise unlimited amounts of capital simply by using social media sites or elsewhere on …
To help determine your organization’s goals, utilize a visualization exercise that guides the team through a scenario ten or more years into the future. The scenario should paint a picture in which the organization is achieving tremendous success. The visualization should help participants see what was accomplished, how it was accomplished, and how customers, employees, competitors, and any other significant stakeholders view the organization.
Entrepreneurship is as invaluable to large organizations as it is to small ones, perhaps more so. While big companies often can provide the resources start-up businesses lack, they also typically provide all sorts of bureaucracy, slow decision-making and red tape that can stifle entrepreneurial spirits. This can apply to for profits or nonprofits, or for …
In the course of developing strategic plans, organizations often find themselves taking a step back to ask the question, “How can we differentiate ourselves from the competition?” The answer to this question often results in the development of positioning strategies.
Zander has joined the board of a privately owned company that is growing rapidly and has plans to list within the next year or two. He is excited by the prospect of the IPO and determined to do a good job as a director, even though he has no prior board experience. He is finding …
As a result of the lack of challenge many leaders experience within their own walls, the views of the leader can easily overpower the group. And even when someone dares to challenge with a question, some leaders, often without knowing it, respond with statements that belittle the questioner or not-so-subtly communicate that challenging the boss is not welcome. Consider the following strategies.
Can there ever be too much transparency? Transparency has been recognized as a vital attribute for organizational health and performance. Organizations that demonstrate transparency give voice for employee concerns. Leaders that are willing to be vulnerable in sharing even bad news create environments where employees can admit mistakes before crises erupt. So when is too …