Starting a Business

How to Close an LLC: Limited Liability Company Dissolution
Paul DePodesta – role of the  Chief Strategy Officer for the Cleveland BrownsPaul DePodesta was recently named the Chief Strategy Officer by the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League. This is significant because, as any fan of Moneyball knows, Mr. DePodesta has spent his career in the sport of baseball, not football. This matters …
Starting an LLC in Wyoming might seem overwhelming financially, but let’s walk through the process and break down the costs to show that it can be surprisingly affordable. Despite what you might think, setting up a business entity in Wyoming doesn’t have to drain your wallet. It’s actually a smart, budget-friendly step for budding entrepreneurs. …
Hey there! Excited about setting up a Limited Liability Company in Illinois? You’ve landed in just the right spot. Before diving in, though, it’s crucial to understand the financial aspects. From the get-go, you’ll encounter fees for filing, plus ongoing costs to keep your LLC in tip-top shape. This guide will clarify the expenses involved …

More in Starting a Business

Most people agree that a rigorous business plan is a good idea. Clearly it’s best to research the market and risks as thoroughly and objectively as possible. In contrast, a “creative” plan, one that involves sketchy research, is unlikely to meet with success. Right? Well, maybe, but perhaps a certain amount of naivety might increase …
Xevach is a director on the board of a government trading enterprise. He also chairs the governance committee. The company has a significant geographic monopoly and owns and operates a vital piece of infrastructure in the industry. One of Xevach’s colleagues on the board, Yolanda, is a former director of a larger, competing, government trading …
As the strategy leader, you have seven activities to which I recommend you pay close attention to build a strong strategy that has full buy-in and commitment. Let’s examine each of these activities.
Here are a few habits for growing your business during the early years: Be Consistent With Side Tasks (create checklists, follow up on them) Clean and Tidy Up (literally and figuratively) Keep Books (too often overlooked or underemphasized in startups) Prepare for Tax Season Schedule Interviews (forSstaff) Before You’re Desperate Create and Follow A Business …
A major difference between leading and facilitating is that a leader often tells; a facilitator always asks. In my book, The Secrets of Facilitation, 2nd. ed., I describe how I learned what I call the fundamental secret of facilitation.
Directors Dilemma: Unreported Knowledge Winsome is a director of a large listed company. She has a strong track record in M&A advisory work and is now embarking on a non-executive career. She is finding the ‘hands off’ aspects of the role quite challenging as she is instinctively and by training a detail-focused manager. She has …
Many entrepreneurs were excited last year when Congress legalized the use of crowdfunding for equity investments. This law, passed as part of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS), would allow a business owner to raise up to $2 million over the Internet from individuals who invest a maximum of $10,000 per person. Too good …