Starting a Business

How to Close an LLC: Limited Liability Company Dissolution
The challenges facing Paul Levy, the embattled CEO of Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, highlight the issues faced by many leaders: once in hot water, how to start on the road to recovery. The problem is that many leaders don’t appreciate the nature of the ethics risks they face and what is in fact …
Starting an LLC in Wyoming might seem overwhelming financially, but let’s walk through the process and break down the costs to show that it can be surprisingly affordable. Despite what you might think, setting up a business entity in Wyoming doesn’t have to drain your wallet. It’s actually a smart, budget-friendly step for budding entrepreneurs. …
Hey there! Excited about setting up a Limited Liability Company in Illinois? You’ve landed in just the right spot. Before diving in, though, it’s crucial to understand the financial aspects. From the get-go, you’ll encounter fees for filing, plus ongoing costs to keep your LLC in tip-top shape. This guide will clarify the expenses involved …

More in Starting a Business

This Part explains the first 5 practices. Part 2 describes the last 5 strategic partnership practices. Recent and very public “white collar,” stock-fraud crimes have brought much public attention to how governance is supposed to work, but too often doesn’t. The Sarbanes Oxley Act is one example of new regulations intended to strengthen the transparency …
In Part 1, we reviewed the first 3 of the 15 questions that should be addressed during the “plan for a plan” phase of strategic planning. In this Part 2, we review questions 4-6. 4. What is the Scope of Our Plan? It’s not uncommon for leaders to believe that a long-term plan will somehow …
I know, you’ve got a great business idea. Everybody says it’s a winner, even your business friends. It’s amazing no one else has thought of it before. You’re feeling you should jump on it right away before someone else gets there first. But you realize you need to do some research before taking the plunge, …
(Much of this blog post was published in April of 2010. This post is republished now with additional information from guest blogger, Alan Hough, whose valuable comments are added later on below.) A common question about Boards is “How many members should we have?” Usually that question spawns a range of answers. For for-profits, some …
In this post, we’ll discuss one of the most important phases in strategic planning – a phase that far too often is forgotten, resulting in plans that sit untouched on shelves. The plan for a plan should be developed by a Planning Committee and should answer 15 important questions — do this before the planners …
Successful entrepreneurs tend to be frugal. They have to be. They know that money and time is scarce. Too many things to do, too little time. So they focus, prioritize, cut to the bone, do what only needs to be done to get from point A to point E (skipping point B, C and D …
What makes the field of business ethics so interesting and so challenging is that as a term, and as a concept,“business ethics” means so many different things to so many different constituencies. However, many of these constituencies often don’t communicate well together. The academic side of business ethics is often not seen as a resource …