Starting a Business

How to Close an LLC: Limited Liability Company Dissolution
When Boards have recurring problems, such as poor attendance, low participation, high turnover of members, or increasing conflicts, here’s a quick process that I’ve used successfully to “jump start” recovery. Sure, the steps aren’t all of those needed for complete Board development — those steps would produce a blog post about 25 pages long. But …
Starting an LLC in Wyoming might seem overwhelming financially, but let’s walk through the process and break down the costs to show that it can be surprisingly affordable. Despite what you might think, setting up a business entity in Wyoming doesn’t have to drain your wallet. It’s actually a smart, budget-friendly step for budding entrepreneurs. …
Hey there! Excited about setting up a Limited Liability Company in Illinois? You’ve landed in just the right spot. Before diving in, though, it’s crucial to understand the financial aspects. From the get-go, you’ll encounter fees for filing, plus ongoing costs to keep your LLC in tip-top shape. This guide will clarify the expenses involved …

More in Starting a Business

Too often, when Board members struggle with attendance, participation, or decision-making, they simplistically resort to a Board training session or undertake team building and training to address their problems. Those techniques seldom work to address those problems. Why Board Training Alone Seldom Restores Boards It is not uncommon that Board members want a “quick fix” to …
Financial Imaginations and Business Planning Dreams Every business plan has them, and they belong in the fiction section of the library. Like romance novels, you can usually see what’s coming: we’ll lose some money in the first year, approach break even in the second year, and then (gasp) become profitable in year three. And the …
In the previous post (Part 3), we covered questions 7-9 of the 15 questions to address in the “plan for a plan.” This post (Part 4) explains questions 10-12. 10. What Materials Will Be Needed? For example, think about: Materials (books about strategic planning, flipcharts, markers, etc.) Equipment (overhead projectors, flipchart stands, white boards, etc.) …
In the previous post (Part 2), we covered questions 4-6 of the 15 questions to address in the “plan for a plan.” This post explains questions 7-9. 7. What’s Your Schedule for Developing the Plan? Too many organizations do planning by gathering planners into one retreat where they tweak wording on the mission statement and …
In the post, Part 1, we reviewed the first 5 practices. This post is a continuation from that post, and reviews the remaining 5 practices. 6. Ensure strategic plan that includes action plans The action plan part of an overall strategic plan specifies who is going to do what and by when in order to …
Is your great idea actually a great idea? Feasibility testing is how you find out. Start with your goals. Sure, everybody wants to make a million dollars. But how will you define success? Finish this sentence: I will consider this business successful if after three years, at a minimum, it ______. List just two or …
What’s the difference between a code of conduct and a rulebook? A rulebook certainly sets outer parameters as what is unacceptable behavior. However, since most behavior is within those legal parameters, does (and should) a code of conduct dictate how employees should in fact conduct themselves at work? Imagine if a supervisor asks an employee …