(Re-) Connecting with Source

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    I like the Sufi expression, ‘Keep your feet firmly planted on the earth and your heart fully open to God’. Work is such a wonderful place to practice this expression. It is through work that we feel most grounded in the physical world, yet often feel most disconnected from our spiritual life. It is here that we most need to re-connect to the Source of our being.

    Think of all the times you must be grounded and present at work as you desire to keep your heart open to God. Do you seek clarity or support from your Source (Higher Power/Buddha Nature) in the midst of your work challenges? What helps you do that?

    When you are having a tough time meeting deadlines, paying bills, working with difficult clients or co-workers -Is your heart fully open?

    Close your eyes for 10 seconds and breathe deeply into your Source, feeling the power and comfort of it in your heart……..Feel your heart expand and fill you with peace…. (Repeat as necessary)


    Remember that you are a Divine Presence. Too often we don’t remember, or as Rumi and others have written, we fall asleep to our Divine Nature. Remembering your true nature as a spirit being, while in the midst of experiencing your human emotions, re-connects you to Source. Making that reconnection helps you plug into the Master Energy Circuit. I’m guessing you’ve experienced moving through stress with more ease and grace when you remember. Your heart expands as you open to your Source.

    Pray Throughout Your Day

    The last time I traveled through the Middle East I wondered how our workplaces would feel if in the middle of a meeting or throughout the day, we stopped to kneel in prayer. How would we work with others if we intentionally set aside time to connect with the Holy Oneness (Allah, Yahweh, Great Spirit, Divine Wisdom)? Praying several times a day, not out of duty or obligation, but from a yearning to connect with God would almost certainly open your heart. Would your work be done with joy, meaning, compassion, purpose? See what happens in your week ahead- stop 4-5 times throughout your day to offer a prayer of thanksgiving, healing, compassion, forgiveness or petition. You can direct your prayers for yourself or others. See how this opens your heart and keeps your feet firmly planted.

    Om, Shanti, Bismillah

    Bismillah- In the name of God, most Gracious and Compassionate

    Please share prayers that you like to use to stay connected.


    For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.
