Professional Development

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters
It’s not too late to get serious about coronavirus crisis management So you didn’t have a pandemic plan, or what you thought was a pandemic plan turned out to be more of a ‘serious-but-quick outbreak’ plan rather than something addressing the lengthy battle that the fight against COVID-19 has turned out to be. And of …
In today’s competitive job market, employers may find themselves in situations where they have no choice but to rescind a job offer. While this may be difficult for both candidates and employers, managing the process professionally and legally is imperative. This comprehensive guide will explore the considerations, legal and illegal reasons, and best practices for …
Product management is crucial for business success. It ensures products meet customer needs, stay competitive, and generate revenue. In today’s fast-paced market, using the right tools is essential. Product management software helps streamline and enhance product development, collaboration, and decision-making processes.  In this blog post, we’ll explore the top product management software in 2023 and …

More in Professional Development

This guest post from leadership coach, facilitator, trainer, and author Mike McKenna takes a look at a strategy that will help you save projects before they ever encounter their first hurdle out there in the real world. Mike and his company, TEAM Solutions, are innovators in teaching leaders how to improve their response, especially in …
Building a solid base for communication in crisis Crisis communications plans can’t be the same regardless of situation, but there are some common principles that are involved in just about every situation. Make sure you build a solid foundation on top of these proven principles and you’ll find your communications are much more on-target and …
What do you think? Is this strategy smart, or overly risky? Whether you want them to or not, someone who has been a public representative of your company for many years carries that association with them even after they retire. That means whatever they decide to do with their personal life…well, it’s going to impact …
Create a rock-solid foundation for crisis communications Crisis communications plans cannot be cookie-cutter, but there are certain principles that apply to just about every situation. Get the core bits down pat, and you’ll leave yourself significantly more room to think about incident-specific actions or outside-the-box solutions to the issue at hand. In a simple yet …
When you run into a situation that threatens to disrupt operations, reputation, and your bottom line, a brand-new “To Do Now!” list snaps into existence with alarming speed. Over our decades of experience working with clients in nearly every industry, we’ve found a few steps to be most important in getting off to the right …
Don’t create a social media crisis for your own brand! Before posting anything to social media you need to ask yourself – “What could go wrong here?”. While the specific concerns vary depending on your industry, region, and any number of other factors, they may include items like “Does this mean something different when translated?” …
Exploring the power of online reputation Trying to push a case with gut feeling is rarely the most effective. Facts make the best proof, and a solid presentation like that found in this TrustYou infographic helps make it clear why more and more organizations are investing in online reputation management: [Jonathan Bernstein is president of …