I wrote a few weeks ago about a ceremony I did with an EcoShaman group to visualize the world we wanted to create.

It was a full day of drumming, singing, chanting in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Using American Indian hand drums, we sent our intent for a new world to be born, based on conscious co-creation, abundance, beauty, and balance. We used the drums as instruments of healing, conscious creation, and power. We worked with The Herb Medicine Wheel Garden and Angelic guides to broadcast our messages of healing.

The images and themes that emerged were beautiful expressions of what we intended for our lives, the lives of our family, neighbors, government and business leaders, and people around the globe.
- What do you envision for the world?
- What is your most exquisite expression of joy, balance, wholeness and possibility for our world?
- What is your positive intention for your life, work, home, community?
Take some time this week to set your intention for shifts to greater harmony, balance, wholeness.
Now is the time to get clear on what you desire to create in your world. The energy is building for us to fully express and manifest what our heart’s desire is for a world of peace, love, harmony and wholeness.
I’m including this section from an article on this website- http://www.eraofpeace.org/world-congress.php that speaks to the shifts that are needed at this time.
“2011, A Transfiguring Year of Rebirth and Renewal” by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
A Call To Love
Precious Hearts, a monumental shift is taking place at this moment that transcends the perception of our conscious minds. We are being called, on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth, to release the greatest expression of Divine Love we have ever experienced. This very moment, focus your attention on the person you Love the most in this world. Tangibly feel your Love flowing through your Heart Flame into the Heart Flame of your Loved One. Now, feel your Love expanding and expanding until it envelops every particle of Life on Earth. Ask the Presence of God pulsating within your heart to increase this expression of Divine Love daily and hourly with every breath you take from this moment forth.
On Saturday, January 8, 2011, which numerically was an 11:11 day, we held a Celebration of Life Service for my beloved son Joao who passed away unexpectedly on December 29, 2010. The service was held at Saint Pius X Catholic Church in Tucson, Arizona, at 10:00 a.m. There was an overflow crowd of 700 people physically present and tens of thousands of people all over the world joining with us in consciousness to send their Love and support.
At 10:10 a.m., during the exact moment that Tucson was being flooded with Love and support from all over the world, an unprecedented act of violence took place which took the lives of six people and seriously wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and eleven other people. Those who were killed included a Federal Judge and a nine year old girl who was born on September 11, 2001. The focus of the world instantaneously turned to Tucson, and people everywhere began invoking the Light and praying for healing and comfort for the people involved. This outpouring of Love and Compassion created a powerful forcefield of Light that enveloped the planet and paved the way for a shift of consciousness that has the potential of lifting Humanity into a Higher Order of Unity Consciousness and Oneness than we have previously experienced. The success of this opportunity is up to us. Let’s all accept responsibility for being the Open Door for a perpetual influx of Divine Love. Let’s all hold the sacred space for Humanity to remember the Oneness of ALL Life.
For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.