Your mission this year is to step more fully into Who You Are.
You are not your job title
You are not your salary
You are not your career ladder
You will know Who You Are by how you respond to stress, greed, temptations, challenges, conflicts, opportunity. You will have opportunities to speak your Truth and to call someone on their bull bringing them back to their Truth. You will be able to show your vulnerability and accept the vulnerabilities of others.
You will get the chance to see who you came here to be. Discover your strengths and practice them daily.
Honor all the people who enter your workspace. Are you ready to honor your adversaries as great teachers, way-showers who can help you see more clearly Who You Are? They are there to help you see through your false self, your ego, your wants, to the clear brilliant being you really are.
You will have guides of various sorts. Stay open and alert to recognize them. Welcome them and allow them to show you what they know. In so doing you can use your gifts more fully.
Use your talents and gifts well and you will experience rewards beyond your imagination. Rewards of the heart await you. These are the true reasons for you doing what you do and being Who You Are.
There are great changes happening around you. Prepare yourself to step into your greatness as you are called to respond to these changes. Your power and your beauty will become sharper as you learn to use your gifts for a purpose greater than your small self. Direct your gifts to a larger vision than you have now. You will receive many blessings in doing so.
Good luck with this mission. It is an important one.
For more resources, see our Library topic Spirituality in the Workplace.
Linda is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Go to her website to read more about her work, view video clips of her talks, and find out more about her book “Path for Greatness: Spirituality at Work” available on Amazon.