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Right Livelihood – Doing Well By Doing Good

You will recall from my last post that the Eight Fold Path is a Buddhist approach to living and working to create greater peace, wisdom and compassion. The Eight Fold Path includes Right Livelihood, Right Action, Speech, Intentions, etc. Many caring people don’t ever stop to question if what they are doing is the right …

5 Ways to Foster Healthy Communication in Conflict Situations

We all want to approach conflict situations with clear, honest communication that leads to a productive solution everyone can feel good about. But old habits and norms sometimes block direct, open communication. Use these suggestions as a checklist to see if you are communicating in the best possible way at your organization. If you aren’t, …

“Be Perfect or Be Your Best”

One of my executive coaching clients has been struggling with perfectionism. She strives for the impossible and disappoints herself when she does not achieve it. This caused her tremendous stress leading to feelings of guilt and failure when things did not turn out as she expected. She realized that her perfectionism made her rigid and …

Who Needs Training: Who Gets to Decide

My last article about Was the Guy Who Won the Client’s Audition Better than You? may have really seemed off-topic to some, and my apologies to those who didn’t find my sentiment to their liking, but I think it was a valid point. Maybe I can re-address it here in different and more positive terms …

Setting Yourself Apart: Unique Selling Proposition

Unique Selling Proposition: Setting Yourself Apart (Guest post from Michael Zipursky.) Lack of focus. That’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a consultant. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, whether you’re a marketing, management, or public relations consultant (or any other type of consultant for that matter). The client of today …

Was the Guy Who Won the Client’s Audition Better than You?

This post fits loosely in the training and development category, I admit, but I think within this tale runs a thread that affects how we should look at the people we are training. In this case, we are talking creative types, voice-over actors. Granted, voice-over actors need training and coaching for an audition as much …

Career Survival Strategies to Ride the Waves of Change: Part 1

Change is a fact of life. Don’t resist it; thrive in it! Take a look at career survival strategies here. In these days of takeovers and mergers, of downsizing operations and multiple rightsizing, chances are you’re going to be caught up in some form of major workplace change at least once in your career. Probably …

Tax/Legal Topics for Social Enterprises

Some of the most complex and confusing issues around social enterprise involve legal and tax topics. Will we get in trouble if we do it that way? Do we have to pay taxes on that revenue? Which tax forms do we have to fill out? Those concerns are made more difficult by the tendency of …

X is for eXtra special

How can you be extra special to your spirit this week? How can you show love to your soul? The work that we do in our lives whether on the job, at our home, or on the stage, we need to be extra special to ourselves. If we don’t replenish, renew and refresh our spirits, …

Introduction To Government Grants

Every year, government agencies around the country provide over $200 billion in grants … for specific services to local communities. Today, there are approximately 2,000 federal grant programs and over 40,000 state grant programs. But before you get all excited about all that government money, you must really understand what government grants are and who …