Professional Development

How to Land a 6-Figure Job: A List of High-Paying Careers
[Editor’s note: We all know that one person in the office who, despite being solid at their job, is a constant problem in the office. Left unchecked, these types of personalities can cause drops in productivity or even draw negative attention from stakeholders by doing things like agitating coworkers, creating stirs among customers, and generally …
Product management involves overseeing the entire lifecycle of a product, from its initial concept to market launch and beyond. A Product Manager (PM) ensures the product meets customer needs, aligns with the business’s goals, and remains competitive. They act as the glue between engineering, marketing, and design teams, working to deliver a successful product. Effective …
Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …

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See Challenges in Consulting to Small Organizations (Part 1 of 3) and Challenges in Consulting to Small Organizations (Part 2 of 3). 8. The focus of consultant projects can change frequently. Smaller organizations, like larger organizations, are dynamic and complex. New and different problems can arise at any level in the organization. However, in smaller …
See Challenges in Consulting to Small Organizations – Part 1 . 5. The organizations are often too small to justify or pay for expensive outside advice. Even when struggling with recurring issues, many small organizations hesitate to spend money on what is seen as diverting valuable dollars from sales and services. So when they do …
Time to take those first steps toward disaster preparedness Roughly 40 – 60% of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster. If that’s not enough to get you moving I don’t know what is. Unsure where to start? You’re not alone, and FEMA has a host of resources, like this infographic on business …
Small organizations are often like small families, with all of the ensuing dynamics and challenges that we encounter in families of our own. This presents special challenges for consultants when working to help leaders of these organizations to solve problems and learn at the same time. However, this also presents opportunities for the consultants who …
I started my first coaching groups in 1983 and since then, have worked with 100s of groups and taught hundreds of others how do design and coach/facilitate the groups. I’ve also read much of the literature about group and team coaching. Here are some of my lessons learned — sometimes painfully. 1. The most important …
Every business faces continuity issues at some point. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a break in the supply chain, these events can be devastating. One type of crisis that can impact any business is a public health scare. We always say one of the best ways to reduce the impact of crises is to …
As we clarified in Part 1 of 3, if your clients don’t participate in the consulting to improve their organization, then you are faced with the dilemma: “Should I just do the work for the client, or should we keep slipping deadlines in the project”. However, long-lasting change will not occur in their organization if …