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A Documentation Challenge

How do you get information to document when there is resistance? One of the many reasons comes from not understanding the importance of documentation. There are also those who are not used to having documentation. They were trained by others so why waste time to put it down on paper? They do not understand the …

Giving Thanks

We give thanks for Mother Earth and Father Sky For the gifts of Nature we can neither earn nor buy; For the grandfather stones, and grandmother moon, the trees, rivers and oceans who grace us with their presence; For the resplendent colors of fall, brilliant colors of spring, blinding white of winter, and cool shades …

Needs Assessment: Don’t Blow It, Motivate It

We never think much about our car battery until we turn the key and the car doesn’t start. It’s the same with training needs assessment. Companies and organizations want to take advantage of anticipated better times ahead. It’s good that there is an immediate call for the company or organizational needs assessments, probably because the …

Have a Plan

Preparation Pays Are you ready for a crisis? You may think you’ve got your bases covered, but unless you’re running regular crisis simulations and training sessions, I’d be willing to bet that there are serious gaps in your planning. This weakness is a common one, as Jonathan Bernstein pointed out in a recent interview for

Building a Winning Team

Winning teams aren’t created by accident. Rather, the team leaders or manager functions like a coach who recognizes special talents in people and gets them to work together toward a common goal. The following three steps will help you build a winning team and set it in the right direction. 1. Select the right team …

Style Guide Tips

There are quite a lot of questions about how a document should be designed. If the document projects an appealing appearance and motivates the user to want to read it, then the document has been properly designed. But how do we do this? A lot of these questions can be answered within a Style Guide. …


Purpose of this Facilitation Blog Facilitation is guiding and supporting a group to clarify its purpose and goals, and how it can best work toward those. Facilitation has many applications, for example, strategic planning, team building, group problem solving and decision making, meeting management, Board meetings, conferences, focus groups and project planning. This blog helps …

Welcome to the Facilitation Blog!

I’m Michael Wilkinson and I’m the host of this blog. You can read more about me next to my picture in the sidebar. This blog will be about various aspects of facilitation, and will focus especially on practical tips and tools in posts, including posts from guest writers. You can learn more about this blog …

About Michael Wilkinson

Michael Wilkinson is the Founder and Managing Director of Leadership Strategies, Inc. headquartered in Atlanta, GA, USA. He is the author of Amazon bestseller The Secrets of Facilitation, The Secrets to Masterful Meetings, and The Executive Guide to Facilitating Strategy. Michael is a board member of the National Institute for Facilitation and founder of the …