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About Michael Wilkinson

Michael Wilkinson is the CEO and Managing Director of Leadership Strategies, Inc. headquartered in Atlanta, GA, USA. Mr. Wilkinson is author of Amazon best-seller “The Secrets of Facilitation”, “The Secrets to Masterful Meetings”, and the brand new “The Executive Guide to Facilitating Strategy.” He is a Board member of the National Institute for Facilitation and …


Last week I worked with a group of telecom executives navigating Adaptive Change, change that is complex and unpredictable. During the check-in and check-out the challenge of connecting came up. So, close your door, ignore the phone, and let’s explore connecting. Connecting with others requires that we first connect with ourselves. This means being present …

Own It

The story’s about you, take control! We say it all the time, “own your message,” but what does that mean, and how do you take it from concept to reality? In a post on the IMRE BuildIQ blog, McGavok Edwards shared some solid advice: Own the message – With planning behind you, you have a …

Do We Need A Style Guide?

When putting together a document, where do you begin? What formatting or style do you use to present and communicate your information in a document? This question and others can be answered within the Style Guide. A Style Guide contains a set of rules that a writer uses to maintain consistency for grammar, format, and …

Meditation on Balance

I like the Fall Equinox as a time to reflect on balance- in my life, my work, my relationships, my world. Frequently when we mention balance and work, we think of work-life balance. I’d like to share some thoughts this week on balance at work. Last week I attended an interesting presentation by Drs. Alexander

The $125,000 Thank You

All companies go through tough times but it’s the way management handles it that makes a difference. For example, Armstrong International, a number of years ago, had to put a wage freeze into effect to get through what looked like a very difficult year. Right from the start, management was up front with the employees …

Divine Discontent – What’s calling you now?

While we often feel spiritual when all is peaceful, joyful and calm, spiritual growth often happens on the edges of our comfort zone. When you feel the tug of your soul or psyche, you are called to shift somehow. It is in these times you have to dig deeper to connect with your Higher Power

Designing An “Ask Package”

An email asked if I know of any resources for designing an “Ask Package” The writer explained: “I’ve found lots of general rules such as ‘include your mission statement’ and ‘specifically outline what their donation will cover’ but I can’t find any templates for designing one. Are there any websites you could recommend? “We’re a …

It’s Not My Job

In an previous post, I discussed the many different views of HR's number one priority. Despite the view from which you see HR, most would agree that HR has a responsibility for talent. From talent acquisition to development and retention, HR has responsibilities. However, this very concept that HR owns talent can be a source of frustration for many. For the HR professional charged with the responsibility of talent, it can be frustrating when managers fail with their talent. For the managers who believe HR owns talent, it can be frustrating when HR can't fix their problems. And what about the employee? What about the talent caught in the middle feeling like their manager isn't leading them to success and HR doesn't care?

Flash Mobs

A new type of crisis Flash mobs have recently gained national attention, not for the wacky dance craze that’s been spotlighted in commercials and movies, but for groups that are coming together to cause violence or disrupt services. Services like Twitter and Blackberry messenger have evolved to act as crisis management tools in times of …