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Competitive Advantage

Answer these questions to give you an idea of how you can increase sales by strengthening your competitive advantage.

Inside Technical Specifications

The Requirements document has been completed and approved. The next step in getting the product built according to the client’s wishes will be to create a Technical Specifications document to communicate all the technical information gathered from meetings. The document will contain detailed technical instructions and information for the development team (Developers, Engineers, Architects, and …

Time out is Time In

‘Tis the season for vacations and preparing children to go back to school. I heard a woman recently proclaim that she has too much work to do to take time off. It’s a common complaint. Yet, just as getting an oil change every 3-4 months keeps the engine running smoother, so too we need time …

Facebook Engagement Tactics

For Facebook engagement, like any other social networking site, one of your highest marketing priorities is connecting with your Target Audiences.

Top 5 Tips on Building an Excellent Team

All companies in an industry can use the same technologies, build the same buildings — so really the differentiating factor in business is the people in a company. Hiring, training and motivating employees is key to making your company distinctively superior. 1. Hiring. Be patient and hire the employees that are the best fit for

Life in the Vast Lane

I ran across a book some years ago by Bo Lozoff called “We’re all Doing Time”. Though written for prisoners to help them see how to use their jail time for spiritual growth, I found his book applied to many work situations. Far too many people feel trapped by their jobs, afraid to leave or

Who’s The Boss?

In this blog we talk mostly about project managers and how they can steer the project towards success: how they can start with a strong business justification, do robust planning, enact good change control. But there is another player in the project’s cast of characters who is just as important, if not more, than the …

Fight Back with Social Media

Meet critics where the conversation started When a social media based crisis hits, the strongest tool in your crisis management arsenal is…social media. Sounds great, but what the heck does it mean? What it means is that you go straight back to where you took the damage with your apology, amends, or solution. Facebook users …

Communicating with the Media

Great resource, or powerful enemy? In crisis management, the media is a double-edged sword. While they can be a great help in transmitting your desired message, journalists are in the business of delivering subscriptions (or, more likely these days, page views) and want a scoop regardless of whether it damages your reputation or not. In …

The Human Touch

Still no substitute for human interaction when thing go wrong Be human and be humane: It’s easy to get defensive and hide behind “no comment” or your lawyers. But when tragedy strikes – your audiences (employees, community, customers, etc.) want to see and hear from you. They don’t expect you to be perfect, but they …