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How Good Are Your Management Skills? Part 1

Are you getting the best out of your team? To be a great people manager, you must have an extensive set of skills – from planning and delegation to motivation and communication. Because the skill set is so wide, it’s tempting to continue using the skills you’re already comfortable with. But, for your long-term success, …

Where Can a Project Manager Go From Here?

As inevitably happens at the beginning of a new year, with all the thoughts about resolutions, a few colleagues and acquaintances have been examining their jobs and careers. Some are considering entirely new fields, like the lady who is considering leaving her IT job to open a hip Bakery because bread has always been her …

@Jaws: Headin’ to the beach, you humans mind clearing out for a few?

Fantastic use of technology to protect both humans and sharks from unwanted interaction How great would it be if dangerous animals could give everyone a heads up before they headed into an area shared by humans to do their thing? That’s the question the Surf Life Saving Western Australia program aims to answer with its …

Three Strategies to Connect and Engage Employees

The attitude “I don’t give a rip about my job” happens every single day. Is it happening in your company? Did you know that 50% of workers today would rather be someplace else? And another 20% take out their frustration every day and may be doing more harm than good. What about your people? I …

Maryland Attorney General Caught at Wild Teen Party

Not practicing what you preach is likely to leave you needing crisis management Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler, a frequent advocate of stricter laws against underage drinking, landed himself in hot water after pictures of him at a wild party full of teens toting the ubiquitous red Solo cup went viral. The photo wasn’t the …

Good, cheap and fast! You’ve got to be joking!

You’ve heard of the old proverb: “if it’s too good to be true then it probably is”. In other words be suspicious of people offering you high returns for little investment. Whilst that might apply to everyday situations such as when that door to door salesman comes knocking and offers you a free holiday in …

Do Some Rules Need To be Broken?

Stop at the red and go on the green. Wait your turn. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Certain timeless rules are better obeyed than broken. But are there certain rules that may need to be broken? In today’s constantly changing business world, many of the rules that guided previous generations …

Mayhem Tries to Take Down Twitter

Did Allstate really try to crash its own Twitter account? Typically, having one of your web pages crash in the middle of a promo is a bad thing, but Allstate actually wanted its @Mayhem Twitter feed to crash as part of a recent social media promotion. If you’ve seen an Allstate commercial recently then you’ve …

Training the “Educated” Consumer

Do we educate the consumer or train those who do, or should that even be the case? Now, the rest of this article is commentary and reaction to that question, hopefully to give us all something to think about. Anything you buy today you need to research on the internet and still you could buy …