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You Made a Mistake, Now What?

Mistakes happen but no one likes to make them. And certainly very few of us like to admit to them. The good news is that mistakes, even big ones, don’t have to leave a permanent mark on your career. Here’s how you can recover quickly and use the experience to learn and grow. 1. Fess …

Make Career Change Work For You!

Are you looking for more than just a better job? Rather, you’re seeking a more rewarding profession, one that better aligns with your skills, interests, values, and plans for the future. It will not happen overnight. It will take reflection, planning and motivation. Here are five tips for making the transition into a new, rewarding …

Coaching Tip – Delegation in 5 Steps

Many of my coaching clients have trouble delegating. It’s an essential skill of managers and leaders because delegation frees up time as well as develops people. Here is a simple 5 step delegation model to assure what you delegate meets your expectations. 1. Identify the need – What are you doing that someone else could …

Dancing with the Butterfly-I

Leading and Working in Complex Human Systems -For Diane Hetherington- The importance of human systems: We spend much of our lives as part of human systems. Examples include the organizations in which we work, the teams and groups of which we are members, our families, our communities, and our world. In fact, I would argue …

M = Motivation

Motivation is a topic that I often integrate in many of my trainings for helping to create inspired workplaces. As I share with you both some principles of motivation and de-motivators, think of which ones most supports your spirituality in the workplace and which ones hinder it the most for you. Principles of Motivation: Everyone …

Fundraising/Development: “It’s Easy, Anyone Can Do It”

I received an email the other day, from a fellow who identified himself as someone with a sales and marketing background whose company was recently sold. He indicated that he had been approached about taking a development position at a local educational institution, and asked if there is a primer for the fundraising development arena. …

How Transparent can a Mine be?

As the world watched the amazing rescue of the Chilean miners, I was struck by the amazing level of transparency being demonstrated by the Chilean government. No one knew if the rescue was going to be successful. And yet, the world was watching the event unfold live, with cameras above and below ground. What a …

Smart Networking: Advancing Your Career

Do you play bumper car or smart networking? Bumper car networking is when you show up at a meeting or social function, bump up to someone for a couple of minutes, talk about this or that, hand out your business card and say something like: “Let’s get together some time.” Now smart networking is different. …

10 Myths About Business Ethics

Business ethics in the workplace is about prioritizing moral values for the workplace and ensuring behaviors are aligned with those values — it’s values management. Yet, myths abound about business ethics. Some of these myths arise from general confusion about the notion of ethics. Other myths arise from narrow or simplistic views of ethical dilemmas. …

Basic Principles of Organizational Design (Part 2 of 2)

In my last half-dozen posts I have been focusing on system theories of organization. I have done this because practitioners of organization development depend upon theories about what makes organizations tick. Nothing so practical as a good theory said Kurt Lewin, the mind behind action research. Well-thought-out theories help us sort patterns and produce hypotheses …