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Free Social Media Monitoring

Set up a completely free social media monitoring system that is fully automated and customizable for your unique needs.

Capital Campaigns 10: Structuring the Solicitation Process

Structure of the Solicitation Process in Capital Campaigns #10 There are a number of rules for the solicitation of gifts/commitments to a campaign: A solicitor… (1) Must make his/her campaign commitment before s/he can solicit commitments from others; (2) With few exceptions, can only ask for commitments equal to or less than that which s/he …

What’s the Difference Between Training and Teaching?

My last two blogs focused on “acting” and “speaking,” and how those areas affected trainers. Trainers admittedly use both skills as well as organizational and facilitation skills, which could circle back to basic communication. Rather than go all the way back, I want to focus on another concept: teaching and teachers. Is it fair to …

The Employee Handbook- Is There an Update Needed?

So what do you say when an employee asks, “What’s the policy regarding [insert any random employee concern here]? If the answer starts with, “Well, the handbook says […], but we usually we just do it this way. Then you may be in trouble.

Celebrate What’s Right

One of the best motivational movies I’ve seen in a VERY long time is with DeWitt Jones, a National Geographic photographer, called Celebrate What’s Right with the World. I can’t recommend this movie strongly enough. I’ve seen it over a dozen times and still find it heart- warming and inspiring. The photography is amazing and …

The Role of Grants in the Capital Campaign

While most grant maker guidelines — foundation, corporate and certainly government — specifically exclude capital campaigns, there are some few that will consider a proposal requesting campaign support. Applicants need to identify those in their funding source research. The proposal will be a restatement of the case statement and should be formatted according to the …

Manage Your Career Competitive Edge

Career success does not happen just because one does good work. That is expected. To get ahead and stay ahead, you must excel. Here are three strategies to manage your competitive edge. 1. Become a Career Entrepreneur The business of career management is that—an independent business that you manage—even if you work for someone else. …

Take Advantage of Crises to Grow and Learn

Crisis management continues after the problems are over It seems counter-intuitive to some, but crises can present amazing opportunities to grow and learn. In a post on his Harvard Business Review blog, expert business consultant Ron Ashkenas explains the shift that occurs during crises, and gives some excellent advice on how to stretch it as …

If I Am An Actor, Why Am I Here?

“I y’am what I y’am, what I y’am.” Now, I am an actor, a speaker, and a trainer–as well as a writer. When I act, I act. When I speak, I speak. When I train, that’s different, too. As I said earlier in my previous blog, acting is more than “being someone else” or “a …