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Close More New Business

Metrilogics offers a rock-solid guarantee that sets them apart from other consulting firms – giving them an important competitive advantage.

Capital Campaigns: Soliciting Low-Rated Prospects

The “Lowest-Rated” prospects in capital campaigns are those who are left after the (“higher-rated”) prospects from all the other Divisions have been assigned; and, considering that condition, this segment of your constituency should not be solicited until all of the “higher-rated” prospects have been solicited. As noted, these are the prospects for whom you have …

Q is for Quiet

I remember being in college with the assignment to be alone and quiet for 25 minutes. We were to do this and report back our experience. One of my friends, a major extrovert, could not do it. She said after 5 minutes, she was done! I remember completing the project, but wondered about its value …

Leadership Competencies and Change, Part 2

There is significant outcome data that demonstrates a strong correlation between the skills and knowledge of the individuals responsible for leading change and the actual success of organizational change initiatives. This again begs the question: What leadership behaviors or competencies are most strongly associated with effectively leading or overseeing change initiatives? This blog entry addresses three competency areas associated with effectively leading change.

After a Crisis

Crisis management doesn’t stop when the fires die down When the immediate threat of a crisis passes, it’s seductively comforting to breathe a huge sigh of relief and return to business as usual. However, the fallout and subsequent consequences are likely just beginning. Trust will need to be repaired and confidence restored. Uninformed second-guessing will …

Training to Read Minds

If we only knew what others were thinking, it would make our job so much easier as trainers. Especially if we are a trainer for the hospitality industry as a friend of mine. Cherry Santos, Learning & Development Manager at Taj Resorts & Palaces, is working on a module simply titled: “How to Read People’s …

Follow the Rules and Save the Tears

The problem in both situations come down to rule following. There were lifeguards who bent the rules and lifeguards who followed the rules.

More About Jack Shaw

One of the best ways to learn about Jack is to read his posts. Here are a couple early ones: Trainer, Speaker or Actor? Why Not Acting in Business? In Training? and If I Am An Actor Why Am I Here? Jack has extensive experience in training and his diverse background in speech, acting, psychology …