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Build Your Reputation and Your Career

How well do you toot your own horn? There’s a well know saying: “It’s not what you know …but who you know?” Well in today’s changing world, replace it with this: “It’s not only what you know, it’s not only who you know, but, as important, it‘s who knows you.” In order to be known …

Performance Review Rushed?

The topic of employee engagement seems to be one that is quite popular in recent years especially with all the changes that have occurred in the landscape of the workplace. It has been sited that a culture of high engagement is necessary to help overcome the fear of the fleeting workforce with the improvement of the economy and the increase in hiring in some organizations.

So, You Want To Raise The Money To Build A Playground !! #1

Naming Opportunities (This post is Part 1 of a 2-Part Response to a Submitted Question) When I think of playground fundraising, I picture swings, a set of see-saws, a jungle gym, and various other pieces of equipment; and, I see multiple opportunities to raise money. There are many ways to raise money, but I can …

W is for Wholeheartedness

Wholeheartedness: Strive for being whole in work/life through body, mind and spirit The best way for me to explain what I mean by the above definition is to share with you this Wholeheartedness Assessment that I developed a few years that will help you assess your current and future effectiveness for living a harmonious work/life …

Competitive Analysis

Since every business has competitors, every business plan needs competitive analysis — also known as competitive intelligence. Direct competitors provide more or less similar products or services, such as coffee shops. Indirect or generic competitors provide different things, but customers will often choose between them. For example, nearby restaurants may offer different eating options, but …

Making junior project managers more senior

In project management, we imply the existence of a strong relationship between experience and good decision making. The question is: What kind of experience? Domain experience or project management experience?

Leading the Dynamic between Uncertainty and Understanding

In 1996 I was working in Germany for a large pharmaceutical company. One of my areas of responsibility was the decision analysis process that determined the probability of success for the drugs we were developing. The goal of the exercise was to make a decision based on the certainty of a predicted outcome. Sound familiar? …

How not to change a safety culture

Today’s Wall Street Journal reported the story of the progress BP is making in re-characterizing its culture in the aftermath of the April 2010 Gulf Oil Spill. According to the Journal, new CEO Bob Dudley has created a new global safety division at BP, a company that also suffered a 15-fatality refinery explosion in Texas …

Training Assessments: Personality Counts

Personality theory and tests are useful also for management, recruitment, selection, training and teaching, on which point see also the learning styles theories on other pages such as Kolb’s learning styles, Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, and the VAK learning styles model. — Personality Theories, Types and Tests at www.businessballs.com Believe it or not personality really does …