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Online Marketing

How to Advertise Your Business on Facebook Beginners Guide

Facebook, the social media behemoth, has become an essential marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. With billions of active users worldwide, Facebook provides a vast audience for your business.  However, tapping into this pool of potential customers requires a comprehensive understanding of Facebook advertising. This article will serve as a beginner’s guide on advertising …
How one smart business doubled sales through a comprehensive rebranding effort using social media consulting In this economy, business managers are finding that what worked before no longer works. Declining sales are often the first harsh blow that draws attention to a serious underlying a problem – one that they may not have even known …
In Christine’s video, you’ll learn how they make user reviews more relevant and how they integrate customer support using Twitter. Learn how they utilize other key tactics: Customers can share their experience with a ‘Publish to Facebook’ option after submitting their e-file Facebook news feeds for 30% higher conversion than advertising Creating community in which customers help each other
If you don’t already track your Website Conversion Rate, START TODAY! Whether you are using landing pages, videos, free e-books, or another popular strategy for converting traffic into paying customers, you definitely want to track it. Do you know how to calculate and use a Website Conversion Rate?
It’s exciting to know that savvy business folks everywhere are FINALLY demanding – successfully – that their website or landing page work hard, and convert traffic into paying customers, both online AND offline.