Professional Development

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters
How to Escape the Evaluation Report Writing Slump We have all fallen into a writing slump at one point or another. Though evaluation report writing does not involve the same kind of creativity as writing a novel, report writers can experience the same type of writer’s block. Here are 10 tips from my experience and …
In today’s competitive job market, employers may find themselves in situations where they have no choice but to rescind a job offer. While this may be difficult for both candidates and employers, managing the process professionally and legally is imperative. This comprehensive guide will explore the considerations, legal and illegal reasons, and best practices for …
Product management is crucial for business success. It ensures products meet customer needs, stay competitive, and generate revenue. In today’s fast-paced market, using the right tools is essential. Product management software helps streamline and enhance product development, collaboration, and decision-making processes.  In this blog post, we’ll explore the top product management software in 2023 and …

More in Professional Development

Take steps to avoid this preventable crisis The focus on content creation as the new, must-do form of marketing has resulted in an incredible number of completely involuntary copyright infringements across the web. Even experts who literally work with web content every single day are running into foul territory! For proof, look no further than …
– It may be the Easiest Way to Relieve Stress and Frustration on the “bloody job”or even at home, but probably not the best way. Ya think? This is not a training exercise–not yet anyway, but maybe it should be. Killing ourselves would not be a bad idea as dark and foreboding as it seems …
In Garrison Keillor’s fictional community of Lake Wobegon, “the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.” As it turns out, this depiction is not limited to Lake Wobegon. One of the most documented findings in psychology is the average person’s ability to believe extremely flattering things about him …
Ignoring the 24/7 nature of social media is asking for trouble Neglecting the fact that social media crisis pays no regard to standard business hours led to embarrassment for Qantas Airlines after a pornographic image sat on its Facebook page for some seven hours, only being removed after a child spotted the pic and brought …
Great management is no accident. It’s the result of deliberate effort to focus on what’s important vs urgent. Managing values- what the business, firm or agency professes to stand for – is one of those important things. So many companies have a values statement on the wall. But ask any employee or even top managers …
Pointing out how poorly you pay your own employees is a crisis management faux pas So, you set out to create a website, accessible to the public, aimed at helping your employees budget. You have hopes of helping them out, but let’s be real here, you’re also looking to grab you some good PR in …
In this economy it is easy for any one of us to experience the title of this blog. Of course, we say at the beginning of it all, “I need a job, I can do anything for a while” and “who knows I might even get promoted right back up the ladder.” We want to …