Professional Development

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters
Belatedly thwarting a grade schooler’s scheme is nothing to gloat about Most American airlines have been struggling to maintain any type of positive reputation for years now. With many of the most rage-inducing issues, like long security lines, beyond their control, you would think they’d be taking pains to ensure their own processes are working …
In today’s competitive job market, employers may find themselves in situations where they have no choice but to rescind a job offer. While this may be difficult for both candidates and employers, managing the process professionally and legally is imperative. This comprehensive guide will explore the considerations, legal and illegal reasons, and best practices for …
Product management is crucial for business success. It ensures products meet customer needs, stay competitive, and generate revenue. In today’s fast-paced market, using the right tools is essential. Product management software helps streamline and enhance product development, collaboration, and decision-making processes.  In this blog post, we’ll explore the top product management software in 2023 and …

More in Professional Development

Organizational Development Training Strategies: 3 Essentials “Where the hell have you men been,” asks the colonel in a 1981 Bill Murray comedy film, Stripes. (video) “Training, Sir,” he answers, drawing out the word “training” until it sounds ridiculous. And funny, of course. The troops, feeling responsible for their sergeant’s hospitalization and under the “emergent” leadership …
To Thy Own Self Be True While this phrase may be well know, living authentically- knowing and connecting your Inner and Outer Self- seems less common. I’ve had two job coaching clients in the last week talk about their struggle with their company norm to “Fake it ‘Til you Make It”. We talked through ways …
All managers aspire to be better leaders — but what is it that makes a leader effective? The Leadership Code offers five pivotal rules that lay out how the leadership game is played. How well do you apply them to your day–to–day actions? 1. Strategist–Leaders shape the future As a strategist, you must answer the …
One of the best features of this report is its recommendation section – called Millennial Impact Benchmarks. The Millennial Impact Benchmarks provide a path that any organization can follow to develop its culture toward Millennial engagement. The system is three phases levels—Millennial Inviting, Millennial Immersion, and Millennial Impact each describing how you can work with Millennials to connect, involve, and give at each level.
Crisis Management Mistake: Pearl Izumi’s Misguided Advertising THINK before you communicate! [Editor’s note: Thank you to reader Kim May for bringing this case to our attention! If you see a topic you think would make for a good blog post, send it on over to] Would a picture of a dead dog with a …
Over 50% of respondents in a recent poll still not using social media for management Living and breathing crisis management as we do, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that most organizations simply are not up to date or proficient when it comes to the tools and tactics they’re relying on to carry …
Website Demo. People who do voiceovers–hereafter known as VO–come from a variety of places, wherever good voices are found. Think about how many products you use everyday that has a voice attached to it, for example, a customer service automated voice on the telephone, the voice on your Global Positioning System (GPS), and all the …