Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
The research and literature on change indicates that a primary reason for the success or failure of a change initiative hinges on the skills and knowledge of the individuals responsible for leading the change. So what leadership behaviors or competencies are most strongly associated with effectively leading or overseeing change initiatives? This blog entry introduces three competency areas that enhance the capacity of a leader to coordinate and drive organizational change: Systems Thinking, Strategic Savvy, & Organizational Agility.
The dialogue about executive onboarding and new leader transitions is incredibly multi-faceted and there are many interesting areas to be examined. This blog entry goes deeper into the influence of culture on the success or failure of leaders entering into new organization.
Working with Human Systems In my last post, I emphasized the importance of complex human systems–we live and work for our whole lives in and as part of them. I suggested model building, practice, and reflection on our practice as effective ways to understand them more effectively. Finally I described how the model we will …
When I work with my coaching clients, we discuss the power of expressing consistent appreciation to others. Most people value appreciation and yet do not get the appreciation they feel they deserve – be it employees, associates, customers or family members. Here are 3 tips for giving effective appreciation to others: 1. Be sincere – …
It is clear that for executive onboarding efforts to be successful, they cannot simply take the shape of a glorified employee orientation process. One of the most important factors of transitional success is for the incoming executive, and those assisting with his or her transition, to have an advanced level or understanding of three things: a) The unique aspects of the organizational culture; b) the dynamics of the teams the executive is entering (whether as a leader or colleague); and c) the personality, knowledge and leadership skills of the incoming executive
A leadership transition is a critical change for the organization, the new team, key stakeholders and especially the new leader. The need for the newly hired leader to get up to speed quickly, understand the business, navigate the culture, build relationships with key stakeholders, assess and lead their new team, and understand their own personal leadership strengths and needs in the context of this new role can be a daunting task.
Many of my coaching clients have me help them with overwhelm. They have too much to do and not enough time to do it all. Balancing work, family and other obligations stresses them out. They feel like they are always rushing. Does this sound like you? I came across a helpful article regarding this by …