Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
By Jay L. Tapper, Guest Writer Your level of fitness will influence the effectiveness of your coaching. Exercise, nutrition, and rest play a major role in providing the necessary mental and physical energy for you to be at the top of your game with your clients. Prolonged positions and repetitive motions (sitting at desk, computer …
In 1999 I facilitated scenario building for eleven cross-functional pharmaceutical teams (R&D, clinical development, global marketing, regional operations, manufacturing, and regulatory). The future was 2020 and we were imagining the marketplace, what consumers would expect, how diseases would be treated, and the features and benefits of the gold standard therapies of the day. Imagining the …
One of my executive coaching clients has been struggling with perfectionism. She strives for the impossible and disappoints herself when she does not achieve it. This caused her tremendous stress leading to feelings of guilt and failure when things did not turn out as she expected. She realized that her perfectionism made her rigid and …
Complexity and Clarity in Balance for Effective Leadership A number of years ago I was called by a client because “things are falling through the cracks.” Suspicious that the issue was systemic (rather than technical or due to poor performance), a systems analysis was performed. The world today is so interconnected and interdependent that leaders …
The intent in this blog entry is to a) share some thoughts on the vital importance of feedback as it relates to leadership and b) discuss a few or the more common methods used for gathering, interpreting, and sharing feedback.
In 1996 I was working in Germany for a large pharmaceutical company. One of my areas of responsibility was the decision analysis process that determined the probability of success for the drugs we were developing. The goal of the exercise was to make a decision based on the certainty of a predicted outcome. Sound familiar? …
Gurnek Bains and his colleagues at YSC Consulting have written a book called Meaning Inc: The Blueprint for Business Success in the Twenty First Century. In it they argue that it is critical for leaders to create organizational cultures that have meaning and are meaningful for team members. This blog entry looks at the four primary challenges (or qualities) that the authors believe leaders will face in their attempts to create meaningful work cultures.