Improve Your Fitness and Improve Your Coaching

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    By Jay L. Tapper, Guest Writer

    Your level of fitness will influence the effectiveness of your coaching. Exercise, nutrition, and rest play a major role in providing the necessary mental and physical energy for you to be at the top of your game with your clients.

    Prolonged positions and repetitive motions (sitting at desk, computer work or talking on a phone) cause loss of endurance, strength, and flexibility. Scheduling exercise into your day like other appointments will make you feel better. When you feel better your increased energy and enthusiasm will be passed on to your coaching clients.

    The following are some exercise suggestions to incorporate into your day:

    1. Take stretch breaks to offset prolonged positions and repetitive motions.
    2. Keep hand weights at your office and utilize them three days per week to increase your muscle strength.
    3. Participate in cardiovascular exercises 30-60 minutes per day to increase your endurance.
    4. Practice good posture

    Improving your exercise habits will improve your endurance, strength, and flexibility. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Be fit and be your best.

    For more resources, see the Library topic Personal and Professional Coaching.


    Jay L. Tapper, President of ActivEdge, “Keeping Fit in the Real World” ~715-393-8767 ~