Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
‘Tis the season for vacations and preparing children to go back to school. I heard a woman recently proclaim that she has too much work to do to take time off. It’s a common complaint. Yet, just as getting an oil change every 3-4 months keeps the engine running smoother, so too we need time …
I wrote a few weeks ago about a ceremony I did with an EcoShaman group to visualize the world we wanted to create. It was a full day of drumming, singing, chanting in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Using American Indian hand drums, we sent our intent for a new world to be born, based …
When job seekers are developing their resumes, they have to identify what they are selling. In other words, what skills and experience do they bring to the employment table. Are their skills state-of-the-art and in great demand or are they rusty or too specialized to be sought after? How many are transferable to different positions, …
It has been the interruptions of everyday life which have most revealed the divine mystery of which I am a part, all these interruptions presented themselves as opportunities to go beyond the normal patterns of daily life and find deeper connections than the previous safety of my physical, emotional and spiritual well being. – Henri …
Often our most challenging times at work are dealing with people who push our hot buttons in some way. Perhaps we experience them as being uncooperative, unsupportive, intimidating, or outright vindictive. While I can understand you would want to run from these people as fast as you can, I encourage you to stop in your …
With the title of this article, there should be no surprise that I have been reading a book or two that echo the words of Charles Darwin. I have, but not a scholarly book. Still, a significant book when we consider the topic of man and survival. Yes, I have been reading Tarzan of the …
What do these people all have in common? Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Abraham Lincoln lost six elections before being elected to office. Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because, he was told, he lacked creativity. Steven Spielberg applied to USC Cinema …