Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
“I’m a lawyer in a firm but I’m unhappy. I’m not really sure if I want to continue here or even in law. My family tells me I can make good money. Sometimes I feel I am a quitter for wanting to consider doing something else. I feel very confused. What can I do?” – …
Many people in the eastern half of the US are cleaning up debris in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene and the Gulf storm impact from Lee. Several thoughts crossed my mind about the symbolic nature of the rain and storms this past week. In various Earth-based faith traditions water symbolizes cleansing, emotions, purifying. Emotions– What …
We have all experienced walls or challenges in our lives. They may be personal; they may be professional; they may be both. No one is exempt from career challenge, disappointment and even failure. There are a variety of ways to attack these walls – some more effective than others. How you handle the walls can …
I recommend to you holy simplicity. – St. Francis de Sales Paula Huston – an author, professor, wife and mother – wrote the book The Holy Way: Practices for a Simple Life from her experience trying to simplify her life so that she could bring more meaning, peace and spirituality to her life. I enjoyed …
A recent post on the LinkedIn group- Career Thought Leaders Consortium – asked for the most indispensable career and job search books. Below are must read books! Some are for helping people in job search; others are for those that are trying to figure out what ‘s next in their career. And several are on …
I was reminded recently how hard it can be to Be Peace when our emotional hot buttons get triggered. Whether at work or home, we can get triggered easily by old wounds or reminders of past patterns. When these instances occur, rather than sending your anger to the person who bothers you, look deeper at …
Oprah spent her last farewell show on May 25th sharing what she knows for sure from doing the more than 4,500 shows for the past 25 years. She considered the show and her viewers as “her great love” and this finale show, sharing with us her words of advice and encouragement, as her “love letter” …