Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
I was once told that the first six months in an organization are the most important. Do you agree? What advice would you give someone entering a new organization? Absolutely true! the first 6 months in a new job is your opportunity to learn, to be seen, to make a name for yourself and build …
The great thing about cars is that we know when we are getting low in fuel. We can just look at the gas tank to see how close to empty we are. Then we know that it’s time to stop at the gas station and fill up. Wouldn’t this be great if we could do …
News Flash: The 19th-century paradigm of the Industrial Revolution is over. Many people are wringing their hands about the contracting economy and the collapse of the global financial system. The solution is NOT doing more of the same or applying similar solutions to the same problem. Everything has its cycle. The old paradigm of manufacturing and …
If you’re struggling with your workload or with a particular task, it can be difficult to ask your boss or your colleagues for help. If you admit that you can’t handle everything, will they think that you’re not capable? After all, you should be able to do your work on your own, right? Asking for …
We’ve all heard of the term dysfunctional people, but today I heard a speaker allude to the thought of having dysfunctional beliefs. Wow, what an enlightening thought. We all have those thoughts or beliefs in our lives that lead us to dysfunction. When we get our beliefs right, we do right. A belief is a …
I attended a conference last week where one of the speakers shared a quote her mother used to tell her. I’ll call it the Principle of Two Hands: You were given two hands. Use one hand to help yourself and the other to help those around you. One Hand to Help Yourself Let’s look at …
I’ve had my current job in accounting for a little over two years. I’m very good at my job to the point where some of my colleagues and friends are urging me to go after a management position. Having confidence in yourself and your abilities is essential to getting ahead. It helps to establish trust, …