Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
PART 1 Tomorrow is a big day for me. It marks the unveiling of a contest for transformational authors that I entered for my new book on July 31st. Three hundred plus aspiring published authors from all around the world entered their book proposal for the contest. To even enter this contest, I took a …
Stressful situations are all too common in a workplace that’s facing budget cuts, staff layoffs, and department changes. It may become harder and harder to manage your stress and emotions under these circumstances, but it’s even more important for you to do so. Here are seven strategies for how to overcome stress, and how to …
I’m always inspired by Jeffrey Swartz, former CEO of Timberland Co. He understands that who you are being at work matters just as much as the activities that you do. I’ve often pondered the interplay of Beings and Doing. Our work world puts waaaaaaay more emphasis on doing- being productive, keeping busy, meeting deadlines, accountability …
Don’t say hello to your new job until you say a warm good bye to your old one. There’s a lot to think about when you change jobs whether it’s because of a promotion, or a department change, or a move to a new organization. It’s an exciting time, but what can you do to …
I’ve given presentations on spirituality at work to groups all across the country. Since spirituality means such different things to different people, I like to share a framework to help people understand one way to work spiritually. I offer this framework in my first book, “Path for Greatness: Work as Spiritual Service”. In the chapter …
Last week I had a ball celebrating entering the 40’s decade. Along with the mini celebrations with family and friends, I also had a business promotion celebration. For me, the turning of a decade represents a huge milestone in life. It gives me a time to appreciate where I’ve been in the past 10 years …
Why is it so many smart, ambitious professionals are less productive and satisfied than they should or could be? If you’re a high achiever, then you’re used to winning and you’re accustomed to turning out remarkable performance. But what happens when you’re in over your head or find yourself in hot water with your boss …