7 Best New York Credit Repair Companies in 2024

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    Navigating credit health complexities can be daunting, but New York Credit Repair services simplify the process. These experts improve credit scores by addressing report inaccuracies, negotiating with creditors, and offering financial advice.

    With deep financial expertise, New York Credit Repair agencies help clients achieve better credit health, opening doors to favorable loan terms and lower interest rates. In this article, you will discover the top credit repair companies in New York and how they can help you regain financial control.

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    7 Best Credit Repair Companies NY

    Credit SaintBest NY Credit Repair Company Overall

    Credit Saint has been a reputable provider of credit repair services since 2007. The company offers a comprehensive range of services typical of the industry, such as a free initial consultation, dispute letters to credit bureaus, creditor-specific interventions, inquiry tracking, and educational resources on credit for its customers. Read our comprehensive Credit Saint review here.

    Distinguishing itself from many of its competitors, Credit Saint enjoys a solid reputation among its users and has received very few complaints filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

    Credit Saint offers three plans for credit repair services. The Credit Polish plan, priced at $79.99 monthly with a $99 initial fee, includes monthly bureau challenges, credit score analysis and tracking, educational resources, and a 90-day guarantee.

    The Credit Remodel plan, at $109.99 monthly plus a $99 initial fee, adds inquiry targeting, one credit report and score, a credit-building guide, and account syncing. The Clean Slate plan, costing $139.99 monthly with a $195 initial fee, provides all the services above plus creditor interventions and access to three credit reports and scores.

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    Safeport Law – Best for Legal Representation

    Safeport law logo

    Safeport Law stands out as a premier credit repair company in New York, offering a unique approach to boosting credit scores. Their team of seasoned attorneys and consumer advocates has deep expertise in credit reporting laws. If inaccuracies or discrepancies affect your credit report, Safeport Law has the tools to challenge and correct them.

    Your journey with Safeport Law starts with a free consultation. During this session, you’ll discover if you’re a good candidate for credit repair and discover how their attorneys can assist you.

    If you decide to use their services, your attorney will gather some personal information and pull your credit report at no cost.

    Safeport Law will then thoroughly review your credit report for any inaccuracies. For example, they might find a closed account still listed as open or spot duplicate accounts with slight spelling variations.

    In New York, where financial health is essential, Safeport Law offers a dependable path to improving your credit score. Learn how Safeport Law and other New York-based credit repair companies can help you.

    >> Check Out Safeport Law >>

    The Credit People – Most Aggressive Timeline

    The Credit People logo

    Since 2001, The Credit People has assisted over 100,000 clients with credit issues, offering free credit consultation to new customers to tailor services to their needs. The company provides unlimited disputes, credit score tracking, monthly reports, and advanced interventions for premium users.

    It features tiered plans like Credit Saint but starts at a lower initial fee of $19 for any plan. The Credit People offers two monthly subscription options and a flat-rate service with no recent complaints to the CFPB.

    The Credit People offer three plans: a Standard Plan at $99/month, a Premium Plan at $119/month, and a Premium Flat Rate of $599 for six months. All plans include services for all three credit bureaus, unlimited challenges, monthly refreshed reports and scores, creditor interventions, and escalated disputes. Satisfaction is guaranteed with each plan.

    >> Check Out The Credit People >>

    CreditRepair.com – Best Simple Credit Repair Options

    Credit Repair logo

    Since its establishment in 2012, CreditRepair.com has been a significant player in the credit repair sector, helping clients with over 7.5 million item removals and issuing upwards of 23 million disputes and challenges to credit bureaus.

    They offer an initial free consultation where clients can discover their credit score, review a summary of negative items, and explore suitable credit solutions. With prices starting from just $49.95, CreditRepair.com is recognized as one of the most cost-effective choices available.

    The company works with all three major credit bureaus and offers a wide array of services, including ID theft insurance, updates on FICO® scores, challenges to bureaus, interventions with creditors, as well as access to a personal online dashboard, score tracker, and analysis, complemented by email and text alerts to keep clients well-informed.

    >> Check Out CreditRepair.com >>

    Lexington Law – Best for Transparency

    Lexington Law logo

    Lexington Law, a prominent law firm specializing in credit repair, has been addressing credit issues for individuals since 2004. Throughout its history, it has successfully removed 77 million items from clients’ credit reports.

    Unique among credit repair agencies, Lexington Law employs attorneys, providing a professional legal approach to credit repair. The firm offers three service levels: Concord Standard, Concord Premier, and Premier Plus, each designed to meet various needs and financial situations.

    According to their website, 77% of clients who observed improved credit scores noted an average increase of 40 points. Lexington Law also provides discounts for military personnel and their spouses.

    To further protect clients, the firm offers Fraud Alert and Identity Protection services, beginning with a complimentary credit report consultation to determine individual requirements and devise a suitable action plan.

    >> Check Out Lexington Law >>

    Sky Blue – Best for a One-Service, Budget Option

    Sky Blue Credit Repair

    Since 1989, Sky Blue Credit has been assisting clients with credit rebuilding, particularly offering discounted services for couples looking to improve their credit for mortgages or other purposes. The company provides a range of credit repair services and details its process transparently on its website, helping clients understand how their credit is being managed. 

    Sky Blue Credit offers a 90-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the services. Recently, Sky Blue Credit has received two complaints through the CFPB. One was resolved promptly, while the other, regarding unmet credit repair expectations, remains unresolved. It’s important to remember that credit repair companies cannot guarantee successful credit repair.

    Sky Blue Credit offers two plans: a Full-Service plan at $99 per month ($149 for couples), which includes comprehensive credit repair services, and a Basic Service plan at $79 per month ($119 for couples), which provides essential credit repair features. Both plans offer credit bureau disputes, creditor interventions, personal information corrections, and client portal access.

    >> Check Out Sky Blue >>

    The Credit Pros – Best for Bonus Features

    the credit pros logo

    Since its inception in 2009, The Credit Pros has established itself as a trusted credit repair company in New York, serving over a million customers. This firm offers a comprehensive range of services expected from a credit repair company and several additional features. The Credit Pros is transparent about its process, providing a clear explanation from start to finish. 

    Besides aiding clients in credit repair, it also provides tools for better financial and credit understanding, offering a more holistic approach to credit and budget management than many competitors. 

    The Credit Pros provides three tiered plans for credit management. The Money Management plan, costing $69 monthly plus a $119 initial fee, offers basic credit monitoring and financial tools.

    The Prosperity plan, at $129 monthly plus a $129 initial fee, adds comprehensive dispute resolutions and creditor interventions. The premium Success Plus plan, priced at $149 monthly with a $149 initial fee, includes complete credit reports from all bureaus and access to a credit-builder loan, building on the Prosperity plan’s features.

    >> Check Out The Credit Pros >>

    Best New York Credit Repair Companies – Buyer’s Guide

    How Credit Repair in New York Works?

    Credit repair in New York involves several steps and can be approached either through professional services like CreditRepair.com or DIY methods. Here’s a breakdown of how it typically works:

    • Credit Report Analysis: The process starts with obtaining your credit reports from the three major bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. This step involves identifying inaccurate or outdated information that may be negatively affecting your credit score.
    • Dispute Process: Errors identified in your credit report are disputed with the credit bureaus. This involves sending formal letters challenging the inaccuracies. Professional credit repair companies, such as The Credit People, often use an aggressive approach by demanding creditors provide proof of their authorization to report the items in question. If they can’t provide this proof, the negative items must be removed from your report.
    • Debt Settlement and Negotiation: Some companies offer additional services like negotiating with creditors to settle debts for less than the amount owed, or setting up payment plans to help manage and reduce outstanding debts.
    • Credit Coaching and Monitoring: Many services provide ongoing credit monitoring and coaching to help you understand and improve your credit habits. 
    • Legal Support: Some credit repair firms in New York include legal support as part of their services. This means they have in-house attorneys to help handle complex cases and provide a more robust defense against unfair credit reporting practices.

    It’s important to note that while professional services can provide expertise and save time, the same disputes and improvements can often be achieved on your own at no cost.

    How to Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report?

    If you find inaccuracies or outdated details on your credit report, follow this three-step process to address them:

    Step 1: Contact the Credit Reporting Agencies: Dispute the inaccuracies with every credit bureau that lists the error. You can contact the major bureaus online, by mail, or by phone. For mail disputes, consider using a template letter from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 

    Your letter should include your contact details, a request to remove or correct the erroneous information, a detailed list of each error, your reasons, supporting documents, and a copy of the report highlighting the errors.

    Step 2: Contact the Source of the Error: Next, challenge the mistakes directly with the entity that supplied the wrong information. Both the CFPB and the FTC offer template letters for this purpose. The letter should clearly state the errors you’re disputing, including your full name and address, the specific inaccuracies, your reasons, and any supporting documents.

    Step 3: Keep Track of Your Credit Reports: Once you’ve sent all correspondence, monitor your credit reports to ensure the errors are removed. If the entity that made the original error continues to report it, verify that the credit bureaus have marked the information as disputed.

    How to Improve Your Credit Score?

    Improving your credit score independently can be effective without the high costs associated with credit repair services:

    Step 1: Obtain Your Credit Reports: You’re entitled to one free credit report per year from each of the three major credit bureaus. Ideally, check one bureau every four months. Review each report for possible errors.

    Step 2: Challenge Any Errors: Promptly dispute any inaccuracies you find by contacting the relevant credit bureau. Correcting these errors might boost your score, although it’s not guaranteed.

    Step 3: Manage Your Debts: Improving your payment history, which makes up 35% of your FICO score, can significantly enhance your credit. Ensure you pay your bills on time. If you have late payments, update them as soon as possible. Additionally, reducing your debt—which accounts for 30% of your score by keeping your credit utilization low can also help improve your score.

    Step 4: Maintain Open Credit Accounts: While it might seem counterintuitive, keeping your older credit accounts open can be beneficial. The length of your credit history contributes 15% to your FICO score. Maintaining low balances while keeping accounts open can aid in enhancing your credit score.

    Step 5: Consider Credit-Building Options: Look into credit builder loans or secured loans and credit cards. These products are geared towards individuals with poor credit and provide a way to demonstrate financial responsibility as you make timely payments, gradually improving your credit score over time.

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    New York Credit Repair Laws

    New York State has implemented specific laws to regulate credit repair businesses, ensuring consumer protection and transparency. Here are the detailed regulations:

    Registration Requirements

    New York does not mandate registration for credit repair businesses with the state, nor are there any associated registration fees or additional requirements.

    Bond Requirements:

    Credit repair businesses in New York must obtain a $25,000 surety bond. This bond acts as a financial guarantee to ensure that the business operates ethically and fulfills its contractual obligations to consumers.

    Contract Requirements

    All credit repair organizations in New York must provide written contracts that clearly outline their services, terms, and consumer rights. These contracts must comply with N.Y. Gen. Bus. 28-BB § 458-f, which includes:

    • Service Details: A complete and detailed statement of the services to be performed.
    • Right to Cancel: Consumers must be informed of their right to cancel the contract within three business days.
    • Disclosure Requirements: Contracts must include specific language as per N.Y. Gen. Bus. 28-BB §§ 458-c and 458-d, detailing consumer rights under both federal and state laws, including the right to review and dispute information in their credit reports.

    Prohibited Acts under Credit Repair Laws New York

    Under New York’s Credit Repair Laws, the following activities are explicitly banned:

    • Making false or misleading claims about a consumer’s credit status, credit history, or the impact of credit repair efforts.
    • Engaging in any deceptive or unfair practices, particularly those that exploit a consumer’s lack of knowledge or understanding about credit repair.
    • Requiring payment before fully completing the services. Credit repair companies must first demonstrate the promised results with a consumer’s credit report before charging.
    • Guaranteeing specific outcomes from credit repair services, such as promising a definite increase in a consumer’s credit score.
    • Encouraging consumers to provide inaccurate information or partake in illegal actions to enhance their credit.
    • Delivering services without a written agreement detailing the service terms and conditions.
    • Failing to offer a Notice of Cancellation and neglecting to inform consumers of their right to cancel the contract within three days of signing.
    • Not delivering the credit repair services as promised after receiving payment.
    • Operating a credit repair business without the necessary licenses or registrations.


    Certain professionals are exempt from these regulations. These include:

    • Attorneys: Attorneys performing credit repair services within the scope of their practice are exempt
    • Non-Profit Organizations: Non-profits defined under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law and licensed pursuant to Article 12-C of the Banking Law are also exempt

    Unless specifically stated, these exemptions do not generally apply to other professions, such as CPAs, financial advisors, mortgage lenders, and real estate agents.

    These laws are designed to protect consumers from deceptive practices and ensure they’re fully informed about the credit repair services they receive.

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    Best Credit Repair Companies – FAQs

    Final Thoughts

    In conclusion, New York credit repair companies, such as Credit Saint, offer essential support for individuals looking to improve their credit scores and financial health. By providing personalized strategies and expert guidance, these services help clients address negative items on their credit reports and develop better financial habits. 

    Whether dealing with past financial mistakes or aiming for future financial stability, enlisting the help of a reputable credit repair service in New York can be a crucial step toward achieving one’s financial goals.

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