I have had skin issues for a while. Since my symptoms have progressively gotten worse, I decided to finally see a dermatologist. The first question he asked was what type of products I use on my face. I was slightly annoyed by his response when I told him I only use this expensive department store brand, especially for problem skin. He seemed to think that this may be partly to blame for my issues. I immediately thought that he didn’t know what he walking about, but agreed to stop using it. So over the next few months, I continued to visit the doctor and tried some of the medications he suggested. I wasn’t getting the results I wanted so I assumed I made a bad choice in doctors and vowed to never see him again.
A few months later as I was looking in the mirror, I realized that my skin seemed better that day. In fact, it was almost clear. And even as I stood there with the evidence right in front of me, I wasn’t connecting the dots. I wasn’t making a connection. As I reached for my make-up, it hit me. I never stopped using the make-up I had used for the past twelve years. I had changed everything else I put on my face, but I was still using the same makeup. What if it was the make-up that was causing my condition? I hadn’t even considered it since the product I was using was specifically designed for my condition. But here it was, the evidence right in front of me. I realized that in the previous two days, I hadn’t worn any make-up. And now my face was clear (well, almost clear).
I thought that I had followed all the directions from the doctor even if it was reluctantly; however, I hadn’t. I missed that one crucial step. My reaction to him was that he didn’t know what he was talking about. When all that time, it was me. I didn’t follow all the directions.
How often does this happen in your workplace? How often do we seek advice from the experts, then discount it and blame them for their crappy advice?
Next time you seek advice, follow it. All of it. Be open and let go of your deeply held beliefs of how it is supposed to be.
And remember when giving advice, people don’t argue with their own evidence. Help them discover it on their own and you will help them change.
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Sheri Mazurek is a training and human resource professional with over 16 years of management experience, and is skilled in all areas of employee management and human resource functions, with a specialty in learning and development. She is available to help you with your Human Resources and Training needs on a contract basis. For more information send an email to [email protected] or visit www.sherimazurek.com. Follow me on Twitter @Sherimaz.