How’d We Do In The Combined Federal Campaign ??

Sections of this topic

    CFC Charity Results
    In my last post (June 28), I reviewed some of the general CFC statistics, and the results for the 2011 campaign. But, while overall campaign totals may be interesting, what every CFC charity wants to know is, “What are our results?”

    CFC charities receive this information in the April/May timeframe, first with their overall totals/results, and then the individual information from donors who have chosen to release their contact information.

    Keep in mind that a CFC donor has the option of remaining anonymous, and I mean truly anonymous. No one in the CFC charity will receive any information at all about the anonymous donors. This is a very popular choice by CFC donors, and as many as 60% of your donors may be anonymous … and those are some of your best supporters!

    CFC Donor Communication – Say Thank You Early & Often
    For those donors who have released their contact information, it will include name, address, and e-mail, and the donor has the option of releasing the specific amount they have pledged to your non-profit, or they can choose to “Not Release” the amount which shows up on the CFC donor sheets as “$NR.”
    The information will look like this:
        CFC of the Regional Name
        Jane M. Doe
        1220 Main Street
        Town, ST Zip
        [email protected]
        NR or $650 (which represents this donor giving $25 per pay period for 26 pay periods)

    Now that you have that information, obviously the first thing you need to do is send your identified donors a “Thank You.”

    It’s your choice as to whether you want to send the thank you via a postal service letter, or via e-mail. You should thank your CFC donor the same way that you thank your other donors, however you do that.

    And, whatever donor tracking software you’re using, use it, and make sure to have a separate code for your CFC donors.

    Thanking Your Anonymous Donors
    Now that you thanked your known donors, it’s also time to update the workplace giving section of your website, and any/all of your publications — newsletters, etc. — to thank your anonymous donors.

    Depending upon your level of satisfaction and/or comfort you can tell your supporters your specific results or you can keep it general and just say you were pleased with how well your non-profit did in the fall campaign. Share any highlights you have from your current year, and share any exciting news you have about upcoming events.

    In both the “Thank You” letters and reports, it’s also time to plant the seeds about how you would like your donors to support you in this fall’s campaign, and let them know of whatever opportunities there might be for them to become more involved with your organization.

    Since a donor will contribute more through payroll deduction than they will with a one-time gift, it’s always worth highlighting the value/desirability of giving through payroll deduction. And, while you cannot solicit a CFC donor directly, you can invite them to other non-fundraising events/activities your non-profit is having, i.e., an open house.

    Within your organization, it’s time to start thinking about who on your staff is going to be involved in this fall’s campaign, and what their roles will be. We’ll take a look at that, in depth, in upcoming posts.


    During his 25-year career in the Federal sector, Bill Huddleston, The CFC Coach, served in many CFC roles. If you want to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign, maximize your nonprofit’s CFC revenues, or just ask a few questions, contact … Bill Huddleston


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