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Contacting Linda J. Ferguson, Ph.D.

Need support accomplishing your personal or professional goals? Want to respond more effectively to challenges at work to reduce your stress? Do you want to switch careers or change your job so you have more meaningful work? Coaching with Linda can help you do this. Sign-up on Linda’s website for valuable tools to create the …

Introduction to Leadership

This blog is intended for people that are involved with, or want to be involved with, the “mobilizing, influencing, and guiding of others toward desired outcomes” (this is our beginning definition of leadership). This blog aims to provide learning and resources on all-things-leadership through the sharing of ideas, articles, theories, research findings, and opinions. But …

Andragogy VS Pedagogy in Training

As training professionals we all are aware of the real differences between the two learning styles. But do we really apply our knowledge of the effectiveness of andragogy in our programs? Malcomb Knowles, a predominant authority in the adult learning world, stresses the use of Andragogical style in adult learning programs. This of course is …

What to Expect from this PR Blog

Public Relations means different things to different people. While this blog is titled Public Relations/Media Relations, media relations is really a subset under the wide umbrella of PR. But it’s often the most critical piece of the process. This blog will work at understanding big picture PR/Media Relations issues and the “small stuff.” It’s designed …

Is There “Best Practice” Project Management?

Is there any such thing as a ‘best practice’ project management? I have a personal view but my aim in this blog is partly to pose and discuss questions of relevance and value. It is certainly true that projects by their very nature can be very different and that drives some people to argue that …

The 10 Steps of Crisis Communications – Part 1

Crisis: Any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm people or property, seriously interrupt business, damage reputation or negatively impact share value. Every organization is vulnerable to crises. The days of playing ostrich are gone. You can play, but your stakeholders will not be understanding or forgiving because they’ve watched what happened with …

Contacting Pam

Pam’s Facebook page Pam’s LinkedIn Profile Pam’s Website to Email Pam

Contacting Janae Bower

Janae’s Company Site Janae’s Company Bio Janae’s Profile in Nationally Speaking

Welcome to the Crisis Management blog!

I’m Jonathan Bernstein, host of this blog. You can read more about me next to my picture in the sidebar. This blog will be about various aspects of crisis management, will focus especially on practical tips and tools, and will posts from guest writers. You can learn more about this blog by clicking on the …