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Business New Years Cards

New Years is the perfect time to send a card with your company’s heartfelt wishes for health, happiness and prosperity.

Capital Campaigns #8: Beyond The Organizational Family

Once the “Quiet Phase” has been completed and the various “Capital Campaigns” for the Hospital Family are well under way, solicitation can begin in the next group of prospects – corporations, small businesses and the individual prospects assigned to Divisions tasked with obtaining gifts in various specific dollar ranges (i.e., $3,000-$5,999 and/or $6,000-$9.999). But … …

O = Oneness

Here are four examples of how different authors and inspirational teachers approach the topic of Oneness. See what themes you find and what resonates with you. ONE Unforgettable Philosophy In fact ONE is how I’ve been resonating with and sharing ONEness through the work I’m doing with Project GratOtude. Here is our Project GratOtude philosophy, …

Ethics Management Programs: An Overview

What’s an Ethics Management Program? Organizations can manage ethics in their workplaces by establishing an ethics management program. Brian Schrag, Executive Secretary of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, clarifies. “Typically, ethics programs convey corporate values, often using codes and policies to guide decisions and behavior, and can include extensive training and evaluating, depending …

Organizational Culture and Executive Onboarding

The dialogue about executive onboarding and new leader transitions is incredibly multi-faceted and there are many interesting areas to be examined. This blog entry goes deeper into the influence of culture on the success or failure of leaders entering into new organization.

Who Could Refudiate a Good Headline?

Press Releases, Tweets — even, or especially, email subject lines — demand strong, catchy headlines. Imagine the volume of words that cross an editor’s or reporter’s eyes each hour! Guess which subjects they will be drawn to? Those that creatively thread the needle of journalism are the ones that will get sewn into the fabric …

What’s Your Communication IQ?

Communication, which occupies approximately 70% of our wak­ing hours, is what many leaders find the most frustrating. Many of us were never taught to communicate in ways that lead to postive out­comes. Rather, we tend to experience annoyance, anger or just give up on the per­son or the situation. Here’s how to communicate better to …

Monkey Business at the Better Business Bureau

BBB in crisis management mode after being caught taking cash for ratings Over the years, Bernstein Crisis Management has often had the challenge of protecting businesses from the abuses of the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the less-than-honest organization whose mission is supposedly to protect the public from bad business practices, so when I spotted an …