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Marketing and Backlinks – The Key to SEO

Backlinks are links from other sites that are directed to your site. Backlinks are widely regarded as one of the primary building blocks of SEO - important for high ranking by search engines. Concentrate on getting highly ranked, relevant, natural backlinks.

Free Team Building Exercise: Blindfold Square

This quick team building exercise gets small teams to communicate when they can’t see one another or their progress. Communication is the key to success with this team building exercise Overview The challenge is to take a length of rope and lay it out on the ground to make a perfect square. Throughout the task …

VUCA Prime – A Leader’s Response

Recap from VUCA – A Leader’s Dilemma A multinational organization faces a major structural reorganization that contains significant functional changes and leadership challenges. Facing the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) are four leaders responsible for implementing a significant part of the organizational change without losing strategic momentum. Finding VUCA Prime Like most organizations, the …

A Performance Review That’s Not a Winner

A not so great performance review doesn’t have to be a career setback. Recently I coached a talented project manager who had received a not so stellar performance review that could impact her career advancement. Getting negative feedback from your boss is not a joyride. In fact, it can be devastating. I know from experience. …

Non-Profit’s Impact on the Cycle of the Economy

Recently, I wrote an article about how non-profits both must work together as partners, but must also compete for sustainability. I had a response from a fellow blogger from WhyDoParentsBlog http://whydoparents.blogspot.com/2011/01/social-returns-on-financial-investments.html Jeremy Parrott blogs about non-profit as well. He has a theory that the economy should be like the life cycle of water. The cycle …

A Change Of Pace

Whoever said an event had to be a dinner or a luncheon to work? The key to making any event succeed is to learn, well in advance, what will bring out your audience: existing donors, new donors, corporations, government officials, community leaders, etc. Almost every event can benefit from an occasional change of pace … …

When Learning Takes Place: PowerPoint vs. Presenter

Running a presentation skills seminar at a large federal agency’s training forum, I was impressed by how much learning takes place when participants share ideas in a Power Point-free environment. I found this post on my LinkedIn Training and Development group and some of the responses given by professional trainers and speakers gave me pause. …

Who Needs Lawyers?

[I very rarely cross-post, but I couldn’t resist putting this “press release” here as well as on Huffington Post today, where it was titled “Mom Always Wanted Me to Be a Lawyer.” Already, from HuffPost, I had one person think I was serious, which was kinda fun. I hope you enjoy it!] Bernstein Crisis Management …

Role of the Nonprofit Board Fundraising Committee

One of the biggest misconceptions about the Fundraising Committee is that its members are to do the fundraising for the nonprofit. No, the job of the Fundraising Committee is to ensure that the fundraising is done very well. The actual fundraising should be done by all Board members, with various staff members supporting those Board …

Sometimes HR Sucks-That’s Why We Love It!

If you are an HR professional, you have most likely had a few tough conversations with employees. Early in my career, my supervisor would always call on the days when I had to have a particularly difficult conversation with an employee. He would always start the conversation with “tough day.”