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Still Worrying? Let Go and Let God

Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge Psalm 16:1 Some of you may be going through a period where your worries are large, such as a job loss or company restructuring. Simple breathing meditations don’t cut it as worry turns into fear of what lays ahead. It’s hard to calm the monkey …

Learner-Centered Training Part 4

u have been following the series on Learner-Centered Training, you have already read about the first two steps in creating this environment. The thrid step is the practice phase. This is a crtical step in the training as it is where learning transfer takes place. It is also critical in this phase to remove the roadblocks to successful transfer and application

Honest Insurance?

Is it an oxymoron? We consistently pound on the fact that the best way to handle a crisis is to confront it head on by admitting the mistakes that caused it. The thing is, this advice often clashes with the advice your insurance company would issue after say, a car crash involving a company vehicle. …

Tips and Tricks of an Effective Trainer

We, at the Free Management Library like to share other views as well and use Guest Bloggers. Gena Taylor of Maestro eLearning is the guest blogger for Training and Development. She interviewed Becca Hammer, the Director of Training at Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and JS Online. Gena’s interview with Becca explores the difficulties of being a …

Using social media to sell stuff (Part II)

Given the explosion of social media for networking, relationship-building, communication and awareness, I’ve been surprised at how few social enterprises seem to be using it specifically to attract and retain customers. The good news is that this is changing, and, well, the more I look the more ventures I come across taking advantage of these …

G is for God

Got your attention, huh? I thought God might. I can’t really tackle God as case study in this blog entry, but thought I would try to add some insight. Actually what I plan to do is share some thoughts around how to tap into our relationship with God to increase spirituality in our lives. A …

Strategic Intuition

Biographers of Napoleon Bonaparte talk about his ability to size up a situation with a single coup d’oeil, (pronounced koo-DOY), meaning “a stroke of the eye” or “glance.” Napoleon was so knowledgeable about his strategic situation—the landscape, the enemy, available technology, similar situations from the past—that he could understand and respond quickly to ever-changing circumstances. …

If It’s Important, Less Is More

There will be milestones in our projects –or initiatives- that are important because they determine what the project team does next. Maybe it’s a ‘Scope Definition’; maybe it’s a ‘Design Review’. When these important decisions surface, sometimes project teams tend to swell – even though you, the Project Manager, have not asked for more resources. …

The Combined Federal Campaign: Debunking The Myths

This is the first in (what’s likely to be) a long series of postings about the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Workplace giving, with the CFC, is the only type of non-profit fundraising that is subsidized, low-risk and high leverage. If you’re not familiar with the CFC, let me share a few facts and debunk a …

Dancing with the Butterfly-V

Leading and Working in Complex Human Systems As the stakes go up… In our “dance with the butterfly”—our continuing conversation about human systems—we have examined The Butterfly Model of Complex Human Systems, the three major sub-systems that make up a human system, and how the face to face world is a stage on which the …