Professional Development/

Leadership Skills

How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group

Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …
Turnover is costly – just how costly? Research studies have shown that the cost of replacing a professional or managerial employee runs 1.5 to 3.0 times his or her annual salary. And it can cost up to five times annual salary if you are looking at the intellectual capital – what a key person knows …
Breathing aside, everything in our lives is a choice*. I can already hear the clamor of dissenting opinions. Read on and then we can debate. * (Fair enough… there are obviously other automatically-regulated functions of the body that sustain life and fall into the same category as breathing, but hang with me on the concept, …
Do you manage by walking around? What do you see? Are people excited about their job or are people just going through the motions? Here are 10 ways, that do not cost much if anything, to turn “it’s just a job” employees into energized and engaged employees Take their jobs easier. Work alongside them and …
Does your hiring process consist of proven practices or just a hodgepodge of activities that get into gear when someone says, “I need more people” or “Sally has left and we need someone to take her place NOW?” Smart hiring is more than posting requisitions, screening, interviewing and checking references. It is a series of …
If I was a fly on the wall what would I hear your employees say? Would it something like this? “They won’t allow me to make even the simplest decisions.” “The red tape here makes it very difficult to do my job.” “Management has to sign off on everything; they don’t trust me.” A big …
Rather, the team or project leader functions like a coach who recognizes special talents in people and, at the same time, gets them to work together toward a common goal. The following steps will help you select a cohesive team and set it in the right direction. 1. Evaluate team candidates. You may be called …
Teams, teams, teams. Whether you love them or loathe them, you’ll have to learn to live, not only with them but within them. Your leadership will depend on it. Here are five strategies for building and nurturing winning teams on the football field workplace. 1. Manage by adultery. It’s a term coined by Chaparral Steel …