Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
There are many reasons that contribute to this movement around spirit in the workplace. Here are a few reasons I’ve found on why it began. Employees want more from their organizations and organizations demand more from their employees. With all the corporate downsizing and restructuring, employees who are left tend to work longer hours. As …
I taught an Ethical Leadership class at Virginia Tech and posed a question to my students the first day of class- “What is a well lived life for you?” It is worth considering. People have various answers for this, but most talk about having good relationships with family and friends, leaving a legacy of something …
Research shows the impact spirit in the workplace can have for individuals and organizations. Here are five key outcomes that everyone can benefit from: Boosts morale. Engaging in practices that support spirit in the workplace can uplift the spirits of everyone involved. Influences satisfaction. Since spirit in the workplace encourages each individual to bring their …
You may feel compelled to shy away from who you are as a spiritual being when you are at work. Of course for some of you that might be the equivalent of deciding not to breath. You may not divide yourself into “spiritual” at home and “not spiritual at work”. Others of you may be …
It’s an honor to be co-hosting this blog with Linda and we look forward to exploring this meaningful topic with you! Linda shared with you her insights on what spirituality at work is and I’m going to do the same. As I’ve been studying and living out this topic for the past 15 years all …
The Wall Street Journal Online recently published an article entitled "Ten Things Human Resources Won't Tell You." The ten things mentioned seemed to run the gamut of topics from the dangers of being fired by postings on social media to stating that the HR is not the employee advocate.
The center of the flower provides an offering of nectar for the bees to use. This nectar gives life to other plants. Similarly, we make contributions to the well being of others and the world at large through our service. When we work spiritually we provide our gifts as an offering so that we make …