Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

After the Interview Sample Thank You Letters

Job interviews are an intense and often nerve-wracking process that requires preparation, confidence, and a clear understanding of the role and company. Once the interview is over, following up with a thank you letter is crucial. This blog explores the importance of thank you notes after job interviews, offers practical guidance on writing them, showcases …
You may have experienced toxic people in your work and aren’t sure how to deal with it. A coaching colleague of mine, Pat Farrell, works in this realm with nurses. I’ve known Pat for several years since we share a mission to support people working and living with passion and purpose. This week, I want …
Fun at work can take many forms depending on the organization and the individual. Take my husband and me for example. This week we both had fun at work. Outward Fun His fun came through a quality and teambuilding conference he attended. One evening after dinner together they all went go-cart racing. He had a …
I want to follow up Janae’s posting on employee engagement with this quote from a colleague Dr. Joan Marques, Founder/President at Academy for Spirituality and Professional Excellence (ASPEX). “There’s a difference between apathy and acceptance. Apathy lets you endure life. Acceptance helps you enjoy it.” How many times have you seen co-workers drudge through their …
There is a growing recognition even among the hardest-driving companies that they pay a price for not engaging their employees. A disengaged workplace can manifest itself in low morale, high turnover, burnout, frequent stress-related illness, and rising absenteeism. Many years ago the Gallup Organization discovered that, “disengaged” or “actively disengaged” employees which make up 64% …
This is taken from my forth-coming book “Staying Grounded in Shifting Sand” On an early morning walk in the Royal Chitwan National Park in Nepal, our group came across a couple of rhinos bathing in a small pool. Our guide told us to lay low since the rhino will charge if it senses danger. Our …
It’s one thing to believe in the Divine and it’s another thing to believe in the guidance that the Divine is giving you. According to the authors of the book A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America, almost everyone who was interviewed believed in a higher power or God. However, when it came to feeling the …
How many of you work in a CYA environment? I’m guessing many of you are nodding yes. Well – it all depends on perspective. What if CYA didn’t mean ‘Cover Your Ass’ but rather ‘Choose Your Attitude’. How different would your workplace be if people really got it that they alone are responsible for how …